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9-5-09 rip

This is Tango......

As an animal lover (1 dog and 6 cats), I feel terrible reading this thread :lol:. You made the right decision and Tango appreciates it. Be well...
Wayne, I got to see a Police K9 demo today and I have to say I was very impressed. Those dogs are beyond special. Amazing is more like it.
My heart-felt sympathies for you HAceT. The hardest thing ever to do is put down your best friend. I had to do that about 10 years ago and it takes a long time, if ever, to recover. Last May, my furry best friend had his spleen removed because there was a large tumour attached to it and the biopsy came back malignant. So far. so good, but the worst is always in the back of your mind. Too bad best friends can't grow old with us.
T-Odd said:
Wayne, I got to see a Police K9 demo today and I have to say I was very impressed. Those dogs are beyond special. Amazing is more like it.

T-Odd They are amazing dogs. I worked with him every Monday rain sleet or snow it didn't matter. My moto was the criminals didn't care if it was raining or not so I wouldn't either. We were being called for assistance by surrounding counites that had their own K-9's. The excuse they would give me is the our reputation as being very very good. We tracked a week old track for a missing man and we found him. He had commited suicide by hanging himself and his family needed closer on his where abouts. We found guns that were thrown in to creeks and swampy areas for a small Town in another county that their own dogs couldn't find. He was the best K-9 the county has ever had per the Sheriff and other K-9 handlers in the county. I took his ashes to work and have them on a shelf behind my desk along with a plaque that was given to me by the other K-9 officers. He will always be watching over me. I do miss having him next to my bed.......:wstupid:
Sorry to read of your loss, HAceT. I had to let my buddy go this past weekend. The house sure is lonely.:run: His name was Lucky. Just a really loyal friend.

Fred, this year is just sucking so far isn't it. So far as I know we've all lost someone in the last few months... makes you wonder if it's in the air or something.

I do know there are LOTS of shelter animals that would LOVE a good home, and I'm trying to find the right one.

Not going to replace Mister Marty, but he taught me a lot about love and I think there's another animal out there that needs some.
Yep it's tuff! I put down my 12yr old Pyrennes last March and now one of my two 14yr. old adopted dogs, who are pure bred dumper dogs (someone dumped them in the desert when they were about 3mo. old) has diabetes and has gone blind in the last two weeks. The wife and I give him insulin shots twice a day. Recently I received a visit from an Arizona Livestock Inspector. Someone turned me in for having a skinny horse. The inspector about crapped his pants, when I told him I had been starving the horse for 31yrs and he just won't die, so I renamed him Tombstone. He turned 34 on August 26th.

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