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A couple pics of my latest project

putz said:
Wow looks like you have room for a brass pole. LOL

I am not going there LOL... but recently there was a knock down brass stripper pole for sale on my local craigslist.

I have been working a lot on the car. Got the seat in. brake pedal in. master cylinder mounted. Steering mostly in. here is a teaser, crappy cel phone pic, of the steering. I will get some better ones tomorrow.

That's a great idea, I've never seen anyone use a connecting rod for a drop.
Hey! That's a great idea. Way to use your noodle. Looks like he spun himself a bushing to make up the difference in diameter. Very smart, and looks like a million!!!!

It is a connecting rod out of a triumph 650 twin. I bought it off ebay earlier this year for my previous car, and never used it. I bought this particular rod because the big end was the right size for the column in my other car. I make my own steering coumns, and some of the parts I use to make them arent so easy to get anymore (the bearings). So I tried something new for this column, and had to make that spacer for it to fit. I cant take credit for coming up with the rod for the drop, I have seen it many times.
I took some more pics today. I will post them up tonight, with all the details.
A few more pics...
here is the seat. I wanted something different, and was lookign at bomber seats. but no way was I paying $750 for a custom size one. So I bought one bucket, cut it in half, widened it, and added the hump in the middle to clear the driveshaft tunnel. it will be upholstered, so a few welds wont matter.


The steering wheel... it is for a vintage vette. made to fit right on the vette. So I had to make my own adaptor. It turned out OK...


And the brake pedal.


there are more detailed pics here 1924 C Cab project pictures from cars photos on webshots
next up is the gas pedal and mounting the steering box and hooking up all the steering parts.
I was just looking at the photos in the link you provided and that's really a nice project you have going. Any idea what color you plan for the paint? I'm trying to visualize it in my head, can't wait to see it done!

mikesplumbing said:
I was just looking at the photos in the link you provided and that's really a nice project you have going. Any idea what color you plan for the paint? I'm trying to visualize it in my head, can't wait to see it done!


Mike, not really sure on the color. I know it wont be black, or white, and nothing simple... It will be some sort of a bright color, lots of clear, deep shine. I want to see it on wheels. I am really liking the look of it, and want to see it on the ground with the wheels on it. But i dont have the back ones yet.... Here is a pic from this morning

Needed a grill shell, so I made one yesterday.
Here is the mold with gel coat in it. I just brushed it in, less messy than spraying.


All the glass pieces cut. it is 1 layer of 6oz cloth, then 3 layers of 2 oz mat. except the mounting flanges they are 3 more layers thick. normal polyester resin. nothing fancy.


Here it is right out of the mold this morning.


And trimmed up and on the car.


It has greenish tint from the PVA mold release. It washes off with water.

And Last update, steering arms are on.

You are indeed a very talented guy, Larry.

EX JUNK said:
You are indeed a very talented guy, Larry.


A big ditto.
Fantastic build hope mine comes out half as good as yours.What is wheelbase of car ? Mine is going to be 104".
This is a brilliant build. Thanks again for the windshield frame pictures and comments.
Larry, you do nice work. Keep us posted on your progress.


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