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A public apology to Ted Brown


The other day Ted Brown made a post to my build thread. I think my reply came off sounding like a smart a**, know-it-all answer. I hope that's not the reputation I have.

I truly had no idea who he was or what his accomplishments were. I finally got around to reading his intro and realized that I had showed considerable disrespect to a legend in this industry when he was just trying to be helpful. I went into "defense" mode when it wasn't nessesary.

I sent Ted a PM with an apology, but since the offense was in public, the apology should be, too.

So Ted, once again, thanks for your interest and comments and I'm sorry if I offended you.

Mike, If I read the comment back to me, I do not remember... CRS hehe but, I do have to learn how to give suggestions without sounding pushy or in any attack type of mode.. That has always been my problem... It has not been so much WHAT I say, but HOW I say it... SO, if I came across in the wrong way, Please forgive me also... No hurt intended... I think I need a pro WRITER :}
i too reread the postings and see nothing but a very informative discussion. that's what this site is all about guys. no harm, no foul..... you both have my respect!!

Well,I truly did not recognise who he was and after reading his intro and bio I realized that he doesn't need me to tell him how to set up brakes or build suspension. He knows what works from hard won experience. I should be ASKING questions, not taking him to school. It's not often you have access to a true pioneer in any industry.

I felt my reply to Ted was very condescending to someone of his experience. I felt like it might have offended him and wanted to make sure I hadn't.

This forum is a very sociable place (unlike some I lurk on) which is why I post here. I wanted to keep it that way.

Being straight forward and not so politically correct with the absence of BS is what's so inspiring and refreshing about this forum .
Something was said today that made a lot of sense to me.

Disagreement is good, without it we cannot progress.

Confrontation on the other hand... nothing good can come from it.

Mike, I applaud you for attempting to clear up any misconception before anyone had a chance to really get upset.

None of us can completely understand a message written on this forum (or other forums for that matter) without hearing voice inflection. After a considerable amount of time you can pick up on certain things, certain personalities, but it's not the same as normal conversation.
T-Odd said:
Something was said today that made a lot of sense to me.

Disagreement is good, without it we cannot progress.

Confrontation on the other hand... nothing good can come from it.

Mike, I applaud you for attempting to clear up any misconception before anyone had a chance to really get upset.

None of us can completely understand a message written on this forum (or other forums for that matter) without hearing voice inflection. After a considerable amount of time you can pick up on certain things, certain personalities, but it's not the same as normal conversation.
as far as I can tell there's only people who offer guidence here.I have some wild ass ideas for my T and nobody's ever been negative about it.Haven't had Ole Skool or Traditional or any of the other crap preached about either!T are Timeless and real hot rods and that's the one thing has everyone here Ts!
Yes I love T's of any and all types, they all have a different look and many new ideas are often found on home built rods.. The only thing i worry about is safety and over spending..hehe spending for something one does not really NEED to make a great street runner.. So, when I say a few things here and there, it is to save money and the life/Wife you save may be mine..hehe
Don't know if this is where or how I should post this message??

Well Guys, I am feeling like the bad Guy here, as I seem to find a lot of things to mention that are not the needed way to go while building a rod... All/some of the pics that people post are the perfect way for me to let you know what not to do and what is good to do..
I know it hurts the person whose picture I am referring to... and I am sorry about that...
I still believe it is better to learn one way or another..
I may not know everything about a lot of things, but when it comes to building street cars, I do know what I am talking about, because I have tried them all on my own cars, and for many years... So, Please do not take anything I say as any type of personal attack, as sooo much of what I see is Great new ideas, and some fantastic workmanship.. It is when work is done for nothing NEEDED, I feel that I must mention it, as a friend surely would, I would hope, so that next time they could save a lot of time and money..

If it is just a jewelry item, and you have the money to spend on it, that is great! That is what makes the World go round. It is just wasted money I worry about... Pretty things are not wasted money, after you have all the NEEDED things FIRST..

WHY SPEND A TON ON THE ENGINE, WHEN YOU DO NOT HAVE A GOOD/CORRECT CART AS YET? Plus a super horsepower engine will "kill in an instant" the inexperienced driver, especially in a T-bucket, that is way quicker (even with any stock engine) than anything most have ever driven in their lifetime. T Buckets are a Horse of a different color, almost like sitting on a time bomb. It is not a matter of IF, but WHEN,,, It is going to go off, sooner or later...
Please give me your feelings about this, and let me know if it is alright with you to reply to things I believe are either totally wrong, or something that (I feel) is just a waste of money.
I guess it is just the way I am, when I see something done wrong, I say something about it, hard for me to hold my tongue, and it sometimes seems to make me the enemy, which I am not, as it was intended to help only..
So, if this is a problem with you all, I will quit putting my 2 cents worth into your conversations, my own work Partner, years back, got very mad at me for not selling more to a customer than He really needed, just because he was planning to spend many more thousands. I saved Him a lot of money, and I heard about a lot... Until that customer brought in a new (his Friend) customer that spent a lot more< than most, on a complete new Rod...
So it pays to save money for people in the long run... One day they will understand...
Ted I like having you around. Sometimes I have to think about what you are writing and how you are writing it. All in all its good information, sometimes a little heavy handed, but good information. I agree with keeping the build low buck and safe. I myself have had eyes for things that were not needed and didn't get car on the road any faster. Even if someone was telling me I probably didn't hear it (I see youngster nodding his head here).
Anyways, stick around Ted.
Thanks for those words... If ever you do not agree with me, Please let me know just why, so we can clear up any misinformation or misunderstanding about what has been said. or even why I said what I said.. it is very easy for me to get off the subject at hand, when I see something in a pic, that NEEDS to be talked about, before I forget, as I have CRS real bad.. Can't Remember Sh!t...
ted, i too see things that make me shutter from time to time here. i try to not be condisending and offer an option to those situations. as i'm sure you have seen, there are as man ways to build a safe car as there are folks building them. the problem usually seems to stem from people wanting to save a few bucks. there's nothing wrong with that but sometimes we just need to follow the beaten path. chances are that the extra money will be cheaper in the long run. there are some things you do that i don't agree with just as there are some i do that you probably don't like. that's all well and good. it gives the guys here more options to create the car of their dreams. please feel free to express your views here. that's what is so great about this site. i have no problem with your veiws and apprieciate your input.


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