Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

After 35 years I'm back in a T


New Member
Put the T in the garage for the winter , now it's time to get some updating done on it and this looks like the place to be ! Thanks Waynettt.jpg
Put the T in the garage for the winter , now it's time to get some updating done on it and this looks like the place to be ! Thanks WayneView attachment 8882

It is definitely the place to be! Fairly new member myself, and these guys on here are great and fast to answer any questions you have! Just one suggestion from a newbie. Start you a build post for pictures, and keep people posted on your progress. Any individual questions you have ie... electrical, body, frame etc, just post different threads under the category that best fits, so all us other newbies can find the post under the specific topic, and we all get to learn right along with you. I've learned more about these cars from looking at other peoples builds, and asking a few questions on the here these last few weeks, than tons of past research combined. Welcome to my new addiction, learning from the T-bucketeers!
Looks like you have a great starting place. What are your plans when you start the rebuild?

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