Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Am i the only okie here


I am begining to think i am the only okie on the site. Does that in some sick manner make me the King of Oklahoma. T bucket-wise.
I thought of that be it seemed to brash even for me
Just the only one who admits it!

(s'ok, Me mom were an oki 2)
You can claim me as an Okie if you want to. I live in Iowa but my heart is in Oklahoma. Just looking for the opportunity to move down there.
Steve i dont think the economy is as bad here as other places come on down. I think you and i will be the only no smokers here though. I think the buisness to be in here is the home delevery oxygen buisness or casino shuttle.
Been in Houston most of my life but was born in Tulsa and spent many a summer there visiting on my grandparents 5 acres at 51st and Yale across the street from La Fortune Park and Par 3 golf. Now it is all apartments. And also at the cabin on Grand Lake. MEMORIES........
Wow! Houston. Another favorite place. I lived in Pasadena for 5 years. I was stationed at Ellington Field from '71 to '76, when the active duty element left. I lived in Oklahoma for about the same period of time but over the course of three occasions; in the late '60s (Midwest City) and twice in Enid in early '80s and early '90s. I have a lot of great memories of both Houston and of Oklahoma and I'm leaning heavily toward Oklahoma for my final retirement place. Not too familiar with Tulsa but I played golf at La Fortune and at Page-Belcher. Great courses so that puts a checkmark in the 'high possibility' column for Tulsa.

Rooster. I could drive a casino shuttle. Do they have 'big and littles'?
We will put um on it if it dont. We do have our standards!!!!!!!!!!
I live in Denison, Texas, I'm right on the line (almost an Okie). What town do you live in or near?
TEX-T said:
I live in Denison, Texas, I'm right on the line (almost an Okie). What town do you live in or near?

I almost lived in Denison once. The Air Force assigned me to Perrin AFB in 1971. Unfortunately between the time I left the school in Mississippi. did a 30 day leave and got to Perrin, Perrin AFB was in the process of closing. I checked in to the base at Perring one afternoon, spent the night in a motel and the next morning they had a new assignment for me and I headed south to Houston. I probably spent no more than 16 or 17 hours in the Denison-Sherman area with only an hour or so actually on the base. Since I did actually sign in at Perrin for duty, per my orders, it was probably the shortest military assignment on record, anywhere.
Steve did you say you were stationed at Tinker? I lived in the housing addition in the north flight pattern for 3-4 years till Tinker bought the land and moved all the houses out. I went to Midwest City High. Grad of 75
I was stationed at the OKC Air Force Station (OKAFS) on SE 59th Street, east of Tinker. You might remember the radar domes (big golf balls) that were out there. I was stationed at OKAFS when the F-100 from the Kansas ANG crashed into the houses in your subdivision. That must have been 1969. My ex's cousin bought one of the duplexes that was in that area and moved it to some property he has near SE 44th and Anderson Road and converted it to a 3 bedroom house. My ex graduated from Star-Spencer in '67.
I will be . My best friends dad worked there in the 60s-70s Fred Graham Sr was his name.

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