Well, it is official. I cannot remember ever having been so cold, in my life. Nothing like running a snowblower through knee-deep snow at 4:00 AM, particularly when the wind chill is at -30°. And the day shift general manager was on the radio at 6:30 AM, wanting to know why certain buildings had not been handled. Uhhh, madam, whilst you were home, asleep in your warm bed, our work was drifting shut within minutes of us opening it up.
That was the biggest waste of man hours I have ever witnessed in my life. They were paying people overtime, because they needed each building to have one handicap entrance and one regular entrance available, since the campus is closed down for the day.
And, since we are now under a snow emergency and only emergency management vehicles can be on the streets and roads, they were taking about 30 people over to the hotel at the Memorial Union, to put them up for the day.
As for myself, I got to my truck, got in and drove home. I saw only one other vehicle, on my drive home. An ambulance.