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Anyone done all of RT 66 in a bucket?


New Member
I was just wondering if any of the members here had gone the whole length of Route 66 in a bucket. I told my buddy that I bought mine from up in Michigan, that I would run it up to him to see when I go back home to IL for a visit. It made me wonder how rough it would be just to start at the begining of the Mother Road and take it all the way to the Santa Monica Pier. Any thoughts or suggestions?
I can think of at least 4 people that have done that. Maybe not in one trip but all the way across the country on more that one trip.. High Mileage Harley comes to mind along with the Toolman & Charles from Texas.

Laplander did you see my post on the intro page to you? We would like to see you in Artesia in about 17 days..

I can think of at least 4 people that have done that. Maybe not in one trip but all the way across the country on more that one trip.. High Mileage Harley comes to mind along with the Toolman & Charles from Texas.

Laplander did you see my post on the intro page to you? We would like to see you in Artesia in about 17 days..


Hi Mike,
I saw the post and would like to make it, but it's going to depend on wether or not I have a radio remote scheduled for that weekend. If I can twist of, I'll definitely be there.

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