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Anyone know what this is?

Dan Noecker

I am working on my 9 inch ford rear end and find two of these knobs. One on each side of the 3rd member. Can anyone tell me what they are? I would like to cut them off. Thanks.IMG_5779.jpg
If they are loose like a cap, they are breather caps. You will need at least one some where on the housing.
At first I thought might be a muffler bearing, but it doesn't look anything like this aftermarket replacement...
Reminds me growing up in the late 50's in Ohio, a neighbor, named Flash, had a 30's Ford we call a jalopy. He made a muffle out of a truck drive shaft and put a couple of dollars worth of pennies in it. You talk about making a racket. Dogs would howl, old people would cuss and us kids were impressed.
Need a better picture showing more of their placement? But most likely they are where the pours were for the casting.
Give us a pic of the whole housing , being able to see where they are might make it easier to tell what they are,.....
I dont think they are anything important. I took the sawsall and went for it. I cut them off and they were solid. After I cut them off I cleaned things up with the grinder and it is like they were never there. I am close to having my housing cleaned up of old brackets and will be ready to start welding the required new brackets on. I really appreciate the thoughts of all who responded.
Dan...I believe they were locating pads for manufacturing purposes. As I recall, Ford had three different stamping sources for 9" housings. I have seen these and other odd pieces on housings over the years and found that answer from somewhere long ago. Maybe I need to run it down again for verification. If you do vent the housing (and you probably need to) locate it high on the banjo. Down low on the axle tube will sometimes allow a lite oil mist to seep out. Hope this answers your question and if proven wrong I'll bite the bullet and blame it on my deaf dog!

I'm pretty sure they are the axle breathers. and yes you will need some kind of vent to atmosphere other wise it will eventually blow oil out thru the wheel bearings or the pinion seal.
I used to tap the axle tube 1/4" NPT and put a hose barb in there with a some rubber hose up out of the way on the chassis.

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