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The devs at XenForo have built in a bit more defense against spam registrations, which allowed me to remove an add-on we had been using. I just tested the registration procedure and it works as expected. I managed to submit a new registration, receive the e-mail confirmation message and visit the confirmation link, all inside 2 minutes. I'm jes' sayin', because I still get regular messages from prospective members who cannot seem to navigate their way through the registration processes.

Moderators, there are a couple of new tools for you, but we so rarely have those kinds of issues arise that I don't think I will even try to overwhelm you with something you will use pretty much never. There is an advantage in that if you spam clean a member, it will automagically close any reports that have been raised against that member, so that will save a bit of time.

It's nice to finally see XenForo back under steam again. I look forward to the next couple of updates, because we're finally making progress again.
Hehehe, I just updated another add-on that provides some new features and functions in our pitched battle against spam registrations.


Now I can see the entire registration log, both the failed spam attempts and the successful registrations. The blue arrows indicate users who have successfully registered. And, if a spammer successfully gets past all the safeguards, I can ban the spammer from the log. Just another time-saver. I love it, because now I can block registrations that happen too quickly, as well as registrations that take too long, which means I can block bots who are back-logging the site into a registration queue.

Dear spammers,

Bring it, but make sure you are bringing your best, else you will lay with the rest.


The Management


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