Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Arizona Fun Run


Staff member
Sierra Vista is the site for this years AZ Fun Run, Nov. 4 - 6. Host, Chris Ward posts the following:
"Hey everyone, the runs are shaping up. Here is a basic agenda, of course subject to change depending on the weather. We start off with a Ice Breaker social and dinner at the Ward's on the evening of the 4th. 5PM. We have a new menu this year and I think you will love it. We end the evening to get ready for the first run that will take us West, thru Elgin, Sonoita, and we will have lunch at the Copper Brothel Brewery. Those that have been here before knows the place. Return to Sierra Vista for a easy afternoon, then cruise-in with the locals, directions will be provided. Then on Saturday will be a day long run with stops in Tombstone, lunch 40 miles east of Tombstone, and then on to the Chiricahua national park and monument , on the way back there will be an Ice Cream stop, back thru Tombstone and back to sierra Vista. For those that plan to stay Saturday evening there will be a social after burn here at the Ward's house again."

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I wish we could be there. An unplanned family situation arose and we have to attend to that. I'm sure all those that can go will have a good time.
Sometimes things happen: at Sierra Vista, Walt "Nitro" Rosenberg blew his transmission, requiring repairs in host Chris "Grease" Ward's garage.

Walts trophy.jpg Walt9.jpg Walt11.jpg Walt12.jpg
This needs to be clarified some what.........Walt did blow up the trans but several days before the Sierra Vista Fun Run, he just bought the trans to Chris Ward to rebuild it......... We just looked at the mess inside of it that day...................
Thanks, that's does change how it appeared to happen.

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