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Attaching fiberglass dash

I did get my dash cut today...Thanks guys. Now, how do you go about attaching
attaching the dash to the body? Should I use bondo of or fiberglass resin?
We need pics. Then we can walk you through it.
Here some pics, any ideas or suggestions?


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I recently made a dash and installed it. I used bondo to secure it to the inner structure, then I used chopped mat and resin to secure it to the tub. I pre fit the mat to the dash and cowl and done it in a couple layers, staggering the overlap to spread the added height out. I done the entire width of the dash and cowl. Then ruff sanded and used bondo to finish blending it. I also flipped it over and added some mat to the underside, but my body is off the chassis. I'm sure there are various methods, good luck!
I agree. Use the chop strand matting. I used these cheap wooden paint brushes from wal mart the stab the resin into the matting. Now would also be a good time to reinforce the sides of the body where the windshield posts mount. Mines at least 5/16 thick there.

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