Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

ATTN: Lee in KC

Happy Birthday Lee :rolleyes:
There you go... another birthday. Keep it up and you'll catch up with me!

:rolleyes: :rofl:

Happy birthday Lee. I'll go right now and pour a little Canadian over ice and toast to you having many more.

Youngster said:
There you go... another birthday. Keep it up and you'll catch up with me!

Ron, As old as I am even I will never catch up with you. LOL. Steve
der Spieler said:
I'll go right now and pour a little Canadian over ice and toast to you having many more.
Your gonna have to work at it to catch up to me, bud... I'm on my fourth Jack on the rocks!! Woohoo, being 60 rocks!!
Thanks for the b'day wishes boys, it means a lot to me. This is the big 6-0 for me... I need to stay motivated!!
A blue pill and 3 fingers of Johnny or Jack...huummm.....sound like an interesting evening!
I might have to ponder this over some ice and EJ! No blue pill for me though, I gotta headache!


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