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bending square tubing?


New Member
does anyone have the capabilites to bend 1 1/2 square tubing? without collapsing it?
i could be wrong but i don't think it's possible without distorting the tube. when i need apiece that is diamentionally correct through the bend, i remove two sides and wield in curved flat pieces.

The only way your going to do a tight bend in square tube is by collapsing the inside of the bend you put a piece of round rod centered on the inside of the bend and running in the same direction as the square tube.On a piece of 1 1/2 inch tube you would have the piece of rod 3/4 inch up from the bottom of the die.The only way your going to get a bend of equal size all the way around is to fabricate the bend from multiple pieces of flat stock.

You can get it bent with smooth sides both inside and outside on the radius. You will have to find some bending shop that has a true mandel bender for that size square tube and wall thickness. Tought to find but they are out there.

Depending on how tight a radius you want, you could have it rolled. Many steel fabrication yards offer this service. Lots of those machines were sold during the height of the chopper shop boom over the past few years. They do make shouldered rollers to do that kind of work.

And the last way is as stated above. Saw it out and weld it uo. Hope this will give you some insight. Good luck.

you can cut slots on the inside bend side, bend it, then weld it up. Like making kerfs in plywood when ya wanna bend it.
"What ever you try, I like to pack the tube with WET SAND, pack it really hard !"

I hope you are using a bending machine and not heat. Packing a tube with WET SAND and then heating it is just asking for BIG trouble. You want to pack it with VERY DRY sand, NO moisture at all. Cap one end first with a steel plate tacked on stongly. pack in the dry sand, then cap the other end. If there is any moisture in there it will turn to steam and can blow out a cap.

You can make some very nice radiator hard lines with exhaust tubing. You can chrome them or paint and pinstripe them, powdercoat, etc..... There was an article in an old American Rodder magazine about sandbending exhaust tubing. Just BE CAREFULL !!!!!!!!

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