This stuff happens when the people do not remain vigilant. Government officials know most people are not watching and paying attention, so they slip their devious legislation through as part of other legislation. Take a look at this government leader's quotes and see if you can identify who said them -
"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think."
"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise."
"All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach."
Remember a few months back when we were outraged at Lamar Smith's SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)? And how we all breathed a sigh of relief when the act died in the House? Well, don't breathe too deeply, because Smith is still at it. He has since introduced IPAA (Intellectual Property Attaché Act), which amounts to governments appointing attachés to patrol the Internet, in order to (and this is the scary part) reduce intellectual property infringement. Or as Mike Masnick of TechDirt put it, we taxpayers would be spending"money to expand the diplomatic corp with a bunch of people whose job it would be to spread Hollywood's special copyright interests around the globe... and to set up a special agency for this in the Commerce Department."
And for any of you who think micro-chipping human beings is OTT, let me ask how many of you have had a hospital stay in the last year? I guess you weren't aware hospitals have been giving patients '
electronic tattoos' for well over year, huh? There are grocery stores with the alleged 'discount/check-cashing cards', that are actually tracking your location throughout the store, every time you enter. They are trying to learn where you spend most of your time, whilst in the store, so they can develop more marketing plans to attract you to other parts of the store. And they've been using that debit card you've been swiping to develop a database on you and your shopping habits.
Have you ever stopped to think about just what kind of data that magnetic strip on your credit and debit cards really has on it? Reports broke, just yesterday, that a Harvard bio-engineer and geneticist managed to cram 5.5 petabits of data into a single gram of DNA. We're talking about a single droplet of DNA that would hold 700 terabytes of data. A Blu-Ray disc can hold about 50 gigabytes, so imagine a gram of DNA holding more data than 14 THOUSAND Blu-Ray discs. We have 1 terabyte hard drives and we think we have a lot of storage. Now, imagine having a 3 terabyte hard drive. That seems gargantuan, but a single gram of DNA can hold 233 times that much data. Now, all of this seems to be a great and wonderful technological break-through, but what happens when Big Brother suddenly realizes it could place cameras to record every square inch of the world and could permanently store each day's data in a few hundred pounds of DNA?
We look at some things and we marvel at how wonderful technology is getting. But we fail to see where that technology might lead. Wow, isn't OnStar neat? Sure, if you want Generous Motors (and Lord knows who else) tracking your every move. Wow, isn't GPS technology in a cell phone great for getting driving directions? Yes, and it also allows Big Brother to see where you've been, where you are now and where you are going. Wow, aren't debit cards handy, so you don't have to carry cash? Sure, but that's only until you realize how big that magnetic strip is and just how much data it might be revealing to every merchant who scans your card.
Don, I don't know if your tires could be tracked, but your driver's license and your registration tags can sure be tracked. Along with your vehicle's VIN. Dropping off the grid means getting rid of everything that has a number attached to your name. How many of you own registered firearms? Gotcha! Heck even your library card has an account number attached to your name.
Oh, yes, were you able to sort out those quotes? Sounds like something you would hear one of today's world leaders say, doesn't it? Actually, Adolf Hitler made those observations.