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"Billet-T" to first car show


Well, at 7:30 AM tomorrow, I hook it to the Annual Wickenburg Fly-In and car show, sponsored by the Wickenburg Classy Classics Car Club. They expect about 80 cars to attend. Not bad for a little town of 5,500 and 70 miles NW of Phoenix. I get some photos and post them. There are just about as many classy cars as horses in Wickenburg. I sttill don't have the final carpet installed, but couldn't stand it, had to go. It's all of 4 mile drive for me, so I hope I make it, without incident, ha.
Just get out and drive Enjoy the ride .Really nice looking now that it almost together. Can never use the word done when talking a bucket.It is 30 here right now probably hit 20 brrr tonight.
The next morning
I drove home from Phoenix yesterday evening with the top down and the heater on, as it was 68 degrees when I was pulling into Wickenburg at 7PM. The low in the morning is supposed to be 58.
The power wire to the electric radiator fan was wired to the wrong side of the ignition switch. When I turned the switch off it would run as long as the fan was turning and creating feedback. The wire was also creating feedback to the coil when it hit 1800 rpms. Switched the wire to the other side of the ignition switch and replaced the plugs, and all problems solved. Except of course we ran the starter so much, now I have to rebuild it, a minor oil leak at the bottom of the timing chain cover, both carbs have small seeps (rebuild and re-gasket) and three of the Isspro gauges are fried from incorrect connection, when we first started. I wanted Blue Ice gauges anyway, so now I have an excuse. Other than carpet and those items, I am done, yea right!
Looking good, enjoy driving it and let us know how it does.


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