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Blown BBC T w/Jag 4 link from NORCAL

Rat T

New Member
Well here is a few pics of a T I am looking at trading for my dragboat. I posted the deal in "introductions" I am from NORCAL Some of the guys wanted pics so here they are. Let me know what ya think.

Below is the boat, I get the T he gets the boat...I would be trading I have 35K into the boat which means nothing. But if you can sell it in our current economy its worth about 23,500. I think the motor in this T with the blower is around 9 to 12 grand. I know it is built right for a blower. It is set up single carb for break in. The rear end should be fairly spendy as i have seen stuff between 4 to 8k The kit is around 20K. So I think the money is here and I like the car and am done with the boat The boat is perfect in every way, if it was a T it would be a show T for sure... The T was bought brand new as a kit, the man drove it for a few miles then passed away and the new owner took it apart to do his tweaks. He built the blower motor never finished puttin the T back together and wants my boat. The T was running so all the parts to make it drive are there. Thats the story....





Welcome Rat T, looks very interesting. A lot of work ahead. Has the motor been fired? Has the car been running in it's present form? Find out whose frame and body it is and put their number on speed dial. The interior looks like Rooster's. Is the body extended? Might be a Calif. Custom Roadster. Been to their shop, great people. Looking forward to seeing it completed. What's below the yellow T? A T coupe? Looks like he has lots of toys.

I live for the pictures, best of luck, John.
one finger john said:
Welcome Rat T, looks very interesting. A lot of work ahead. Has the motor been fired? Has the car been running in it's present form? Find out whose frame and body it is and put their number on speed dial. The interior looks like Rooster's. Is the body extended? Might be a Calif. Custom Roadster. Been to their shop, great people. Looking forward to seeing it completed. What's below the yellow T? A T coupe? Looks like he has lots of toys.

I live for the pictures, best of luck, John.
John scroll back and look at his first post.He told everyone everything about the car.
one finger john said:
Welcome Rat T, looks very interesting. A lot of work ahead. Has the motor been fired? Has the car been running in it's present form? Find out whose frame and body it is and put their number on speed dial. The interior looks like Rooster's. Is the body extended? Might be a Calif. Custom Roadster. Been to their shop, great people. Looking forward to seeing it completed. What's below the yellow T? A T coupe? Looks like he has lots of toys.

I live for the pictures, best of luck, John.

Yep it ran and drove well. The motor has been fired. 469cu very similar build to my boat motor. I think the body is a anniversay, which means it is Total but not certain yet. The current owner dropped that name, but also said it was a CCR. Did not see any anniversery names at CCR- but on a google found the company TOTAL that had that model. It is 8 inch stretch yes. If it's roosters and I have no idea (yet) who they are it fit nicely in that body. I do not have the car yet, still working on the shipping details... Not to concered who's stuff it is, ya do what ya got to do if ya have an issue. Most stuff is raw materials anyway:rolleyes: I did talk to the the folks at CCR and yes VERY nice peeps. Thanks guys for the reply any info is good info. Yep another T 302 Ford red brown interior. I looked at that one first it is all done and running sweet. I am more of a GM guy and liked the Blown deal and jag rear more. Yep he has a nice toy box.. The disc's and calipers are in another pic i did not post. I was a little confused at first when he set me that pic, I could not figure what the heck it was (no inboard disc) he cleared that up with another pic.

The pictures are great. There is alot of work to be done IMPO. It is all the little stuff that makes the car your own and takes the most time. You have all the bones and a lot of the flesh. The price hmm.. the boat is super nice but you could not get all this this stuff for 20 grand if you went and bought it so as they say if your both happy then it is a good deal. Best of luck! Looking forward to seeing it get put together.

looks like the makin's of a great T to me. as far as value goes, do you really care. you wanted the T and he wanted the boat, done deal. dig in and enjoy your new toy!!!! oh yeah.....take pics along the way.

Tbucit said:
The pictures are great. There is alot of work to be done IMPO. It is all the little stuff that makes the car your own and takes the most time. You have all the bones and a lot of the flesh. The price hmm.. the boat is super nice but you could not get all this this stuff for 20 grand if you went and bought it so as they say if your both happy then it is a good deal. Best of luck! Looking forward to seeing it get put together.


Yep lots of work, I am a machinist so it will be LOTS of work. I am sure I will have to make some cool stuff. Making parts takes time;)
Thanks for taking time to read and reply.

Youngster said:
looks like the makin's of a great T to me. as far as value goes, do you really care. you wanted the T and he wanted the boat, done deal. dig in and enjoy your new toy!!!! oh yeah.....take pics along the way.


True to a point which prolly puts another spin on this deal. The boat is super nice, not a scratch and all custom made parts. They are hard to sell in the best of times. Boaters know this tho and thats the price you pay for your disease. Ultimatly I will be building the T to recoupe "some" of my investment. There are way more Hot Rodders than Hot Boaters. The T market seems softer tho than some of the other Hot Rods, I could be wrong but I seem to see lots of T's with prices all over the place from 5 grand to a few in the low to high 20's and up. The lower cost ones (based on Fleabay) seem to be selling. The higher end builds dont seem to be moving??? Of course it is realative to the build quality and or the owners goals. Not much is selling so it's a tuff call at the moment...
Without a doubt, That's a CCR long body with a interior insert.

Welcome Aboard!!!
chaz75 said:
Are you doing this as an investment or because you want a model t?

Investment if I used that term would be a bad choice of words. Very seldom have I come out ahead on a car. Twice I think out of many. I was not really looking for a T, I have the boat for sale, I was contacted and asked if I would like to trade. As I mentioned it would only be to have some fun then recoupe "some of my money". I also stated there are more Hot Rod guys buying and selling than Hot Boaters. My point in joining the forum was to meet some hot rodders- as well as ask questions from the owners on here. I am sure most of you have been around the block with these cool T's and could answer any questions I have.

GT63 said:
Without a doubt, That's a CCR long body with a interior insert.

Welcome Aboard!!!

Thanks he may have been mistaken when he said Anniversary. Unless CCR has a model with that name, I am guessing not. Used cars always seem to have a few stories behind them with inacurate info....

Thanks for that info,

GT63 said:
Without a doubt, That's a CCR long body with a interior insert.

Welcome Aboard!!!

i'm diggin the body on your car, pretty cool and it has an open and closed kinda feel I bet when your cruzin.
Rat T said:
i'm diggin the body on your car, pretty cool and it has an open and closed kinda feel I bet when your cruzin.

Well after driving around in DFW and getting the ole noggin sunburn a few times, I had to have a top. Hats kept flying off, LOL. It definitely gives it an enclosed feeling. It also makes the headers sound louder.

It's CCR standard Body, no door, with a Total Performance Vinyl top. The engine is a SBC with a 6-71 supercharger on it.

Rat T...carefull man...these T's can be infectous!!! drive one and all hope for a T free future is gone!! need a chin strap for your caps??

Bummer Guy from Texas with the T turned into nothing but a big mouth or All HAT AND NO CATTLE!!!! never carried through with his promises. Total looser. But I still have my Blown Eliminator Daytona, I guess a T will have to wait. Thanks to all those that stepped up and answered all my questions. Sometimes people just plain suk!!!


I believe I may have seen this T on either Ebay or Craigslist last year. I have a JAg rear on my T, and also have an extra pair of modified wishbones, axles, and diff with inboard brakes.. I am curious as to the manufacturer of the shocks, ride height, spring rating.


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