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bodies for tall people


New Member
Is there a decent authentic looking body that would suit a tall guy? I am 6 feet 4 inches and I saw a few guys in T-buckets who were a bit shorter than me driving with their knees above the top of the body almost up to the steering wheel. Even my AD Chevy truck is too tight for me.
A body that has been stretched would be recommended and most of them are wider too... That will be a big help, then seat design and column placement will be important as well which you will have control over so that's good... suggest you stay with automatic transmission... might be tough to maneuver size twelves around such a small floorboard to work a clutch...

Here is an example of one...


They make their body T body with an 8" stretch. 2" has been added in the cowl and 6" behind the door.

1923 T Bucket - 23 T Roadster Fiberglass Body

I also suggest you wait to hear from the big boys... I'm only 5'-3-1/2" so I'm speaking out of turn here! :eek:

Now some of you may call that short... I prefer "Fun Package Sized"... :lol:
I have the CCR long smooth body with the door it has the same room in front of the steering wheel as my F150
Um why dont you show us some pics?Would help alot of folks wanting a body like yours.

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