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Brake box used on MGB


I'm planning the brake pedal / gas pedal detail on my build. A friend of mine is doing a MGB V8 repurpose. MGB has a brake pedal box that is very useful. I have attached the Link on how to improve BHP without using a Brake booster. OPPS the site won't let me post a URL Sooo, we will do next best. Google "MGB Brake box"'

When you locate one at the Mens mall you will get it all..The box is removed with about six bolts.It will include a master brake cylinder, clutch cylinder, brake switch. Brake, clutch and gas pedals. When installed master cylinder and clutch cylinder actuate back toward the driver. It is no larger than a motorcycle battery with the pedals hanging down from it.
If you are going with the MGB break and clutch make shore the break flued hole in the MGB is the same size as the flued hole brake caliper . I put a Mustang master cylinder on a Ford UK caliper and got break fade .

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