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C-Cab size


is there someplace I would be able to get dimensions for a C-Cab body? I can probably make one, just need ALL the dimensions:D.
Will this help
Hi gang I just joined this web site. I am thinking of building a c-cab on a frame from 1980 gmc van. I think I can modify those drawings to make it fit. Title here in WA. is no problem. Any additional advice? Thanks Dave
In my opinnion, I think you will find that the GMC van chassis is too "heavy" to look right. Look at a few C Cab pikkys, and a bunch of T bucket chassis' and you will see that they look clean and simple. A factory chassis is way bigger and may not look so good.

But hey, its your project, and you can choose to do it however you wish.

All the best with it, regardless of whichever way you chose to go
If you're going to build a C Cab from scratch, make it larger... trust me on this.

I'm not a BIG fella, 6' and 200lbs, and it's WORK to get in and out of a C Cab.

You have the ability to make it slightly wider, DO IT.

Always loved C Cabs, in fact it is what got me into hot rods to begin with. A neighbor when I was a kid had one in his backyard forever.

I tallked to dad about it and he gave me some old hot rod mags with pictures from the Oakland Roadster show. Might have been the August 68 Hot Rod Mag. Lots of great C Cab shots in that one, then I turned the page and saw a T bucket and I ain't been the same since.
Thanks for your input. Maybe I'll build a frame from scratch. I do know how to do that and have the facilities to do so.
I started this with an s10 I made into a roller after masuring and mocking it up it still looked funny. A proper frame looks alot better at least in my opinion. good luck with your project.

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