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Calling out donsrod


Don, Your son posted some pics of a cool upgrade to your motor on another site. As of yet you haven't posted anything about it here. Don't ya love us no more?:welcome:
I saw the pics of his setup. It is nice.

Maybe..... he don't like us no more?:sad::welcome:
Thanks for mentioning it, but I kinda feel like a post hog if I post stuff too often or too many places..........don't want to wear out my welcome ! :welcome:

But since you have asked............... at Turkey Run this year I went by Vintage Speed's booth and he had one of his two carb setups sitting there and I made the mistake of fondling it, so he made me an offer I couldn't refuse. I have been running a single Edelbrock on a dual plane aluminum intake since I got the car running over a year ago and I really hated to take it off. The car ran great and got fantastic gas milage with it, so why mess up a good thing, I figured. But I do like multiple carbs for the look.

This setup is basically an adapter that mounts to the single four barrel intake and has two Rochester 2 GC's mounted to it. Vintage speed set this one up with two rebuilt carbs, scoops, linkage, and fuel log, so it was almost a bolt on. I know these are kind of a cheating way to get multiple carbs, but I have to admit I like the change it made in the way the car looks. The carbs sit much higher and the scoops are a nice thing to look at going down the road. Performance was slightly better with the single 4, but the car has more power than I ever use anyway.

So, here are some pictures Dan posted. I also had Skratch who does stuff with Chip Foose pinstripe the car at Daytona. The guy is amazing and now my T has a modern day Ed Roth stripe job on it. :)





Sweet! How about the fanastic mileage? Did that suffer any?
I haven't had a chance to really check it yet. I'll know when I take a long drive on the interstate, like when I go to Billetproof in March. I think it will be a little worse because surprisingly the car seems to be running a little richer, I can smell gas fumes at idle slightly. This intake system isn't the mose efficient as it dumps gas into a common chamber which does away with the dual plane effect.

But in any event, the car still gets better milage than my daily.:hb:

that dose look cool for the post hog..well yes but i don't think anyone here is gonna hold it a gainst you!!!!! Nice stripping it!!!!

Look how excited i am about those new carbs. I have been lookin at that setup as well Do u have a link on where to purchase. Looks great on an already great lookin car don.
RPM said:
Very very nice Don. When is billetproof at the Garlits museum?

In is the date and address:

Billetproof Florida, March 21, 2009
Big Daddy Don Garlits Drag Racing Museum
13700 SW 16th Ave
Ocala, Florida, 34473

Rooster, here is Vintage Speeds website, but it seems to be temporarily down, at least when I just tried it.

Vintage Speed

rooster...lok under rat rod on e-bay...they sometimes list there too


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