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Can you identify this front axle? Guy found it and wants to scrap it! ASAP


IMG_57926436882324.jpeg IMG_57933829521486.jpeg Hi I have a friend who does home improvement work and found this from a job he did. Wondering if you could identify it and what it could be used for. I am going to look at it today and he will sell it for scrap price. Also if you know what it is could you give me a price range expected to pay for it. Would not want to screw a friend over. Thanks!
The pics don't show any of the areas you need to see to ID the axle unfortunately.
Does it have spring pads that are part of the original axle or does it have a boss inside the web on either side where a perch bolt passed thru?
What is the bolt circle of the wheels?
Where are the thrust bearings located in relation to the spindles and was it a mechanical brake setup? (ID by the use of hollow kingpins with a cup on top. Usually.)
Better and more pics would go a long way...but by the smile in the axle it SEEMS to be an early Ford so somewhat desirable!
yeah it has a boss that a bolt would pass thru on either side. The guy said he had used it for a small wooden trailer so the spring perches are welded on and the tie rods are welded to I beam to lock them in position. Measured it to be about 48"s wide. Would like to save this piece and pass it on to someone else who may be in need of it. At the same time I don't want "scrap" laying around the shop so I am trying to decide if I should get it from him. Sorry I did not think to take better pictures. He did also say that it was a early Ford but I am not familiar with it enough to know one way or another. Thought about getting it to build a trailer out of just for conversation but did not want to get yelled at by the gods for ruining a hard to find piece! lol
Ok...well we know its a Ford then.
Now...the Model A axle is basicly undropped and this axle seems to have the slight drop of the later axles at the outer ends.
So its later than a model A.
I don't think its a 32 "heavy"...which is the holy grail of Ford axles btw and worth some cash!
Looking at the pics I THINK I see that the very end of the passenger side spindle arm, where another tierod hole would be, has been hacksawed off.
That would mean its from a 35 or newer Ford as they had cross steering and used the extra tierod hole.

I'm already getting in to some guessing and going farther will definately require some new pics of the spindles and kingpins etc.
Hope it helps anyway!
I remember back in the 40's my dad had a model a axle and welded the spindles in place to make a trailer axle, so if nothing else get it for a trailer axle. Maybe you can get the spindles lose and put new ones in it so it would be useable.
The wheels rotate freely and are unbelievably smooth. Will take it and if NOTHING else I will strip it down and use it for wall art in the garage! lol But to make a small trailer to pull behind the T-Bucket would be cool.
I "think' from the ends it is a 46-48 ford. that is what I am using on my T.

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