Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Car show Live Oak FL

Where and when is this event?

Any links???
It is on July 23rd at the spirit of the Suwanee music park in Live Oak Fl. I found it on wwwdotcarshowjaxdotcom. There is a sock hop in the evening with a live band. It looks like it could be a fun time.

I was hoping to see some t buckets there since I am accumulating parts for a build and would like to see some in person.
Would love to be there sounds like fun, but don't think I'm up to a 16 hour drive for one day.
I only have a 2-1/2 hour drive which is okay. we are probably going to start early morning the day before so we can get there before it gets really hot. Open cars are brutal down here in the summer.
on call that weekend otherwise would probably make the 5 hour drive and spend the weekend with some friends that live up there

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