Car show time started in Southern Oregon this weekend with the 34th annual "Expo show". obviously indoors in case the weather Gods conspire against it, but this year the weather isn't too bad anyway. this show is "by approval only" and for that reason it always has a very nice selection of cars. combine that with rules which allow the same car to be intered only once each 3 years, spectators pay to look ($7.oo), and the participants get in free (+ free food and other benys), and you have what is in my opinion one of the the best shows of the whole year. For those that say spectators won't pay to see a car show, you need to try and find a parking space at this event. it was still packed at 8:00 PM when we left last night, and will be the same starting at 9:00 AM tomorrow.
A couple Ts were in the lineup this year. some were loaded with bling:
Some were cars that I see driven locally, on nice summer weekends:
And some I only see at shows (but I'd sure make a driver out of this one if it were mine. I LOVE this center door named "Mr. Toads wild ride" ):
A couple Ts were in the lineup this year. some were loaded with bling:

Some were cars that I see driven locally, on nice summer weekends:

And some I only see at shows (but I'd sure make a driver out of this one if it were mine. I LOVE this center door named "Mr. Toads wild ride" ):
