Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Car Shows


Staff member
How many of you have won a trophy at a car show with your T-bucket? I'm not being critical, but just expressing my opinion that to me, most car shows are boring. If I go at all, I usually just cruise through and look at the cool cars, then boogie on down to the ice cream stand. I'm not gonna wait around and see who won "best paint job" or "most shiny tires!" Admittedly my T is not show quality, but that's not what I wanted for my car. Am I just being crabby? o_O
I’m the same. I love going to them, but I don’t think I could sit there all day waiting around. I usually do a lap, look at anything that interests me, and then get out of there.
When we lived in San Diego, from April 1 to Nov. 1 my wife and I would go to at least one car show per week, usually two, sometimes three. We only went to ones that limited participation to pre-1974 cars, and usually even the smallest of those still drew 300 or more entries. The Friday night cruise-in in Escondido generally drew 400 or so, still all pre-1974 models. We would take one or two T-buckets and stay for the whole show. My favorite part was walking around and talking to people about their cars, not just wandering and looking. There are shows in Tucson as well, but on a much smaller scale, and they all allow all makes, models, and years. You see plenty of cars that just left the dealership last week, not my cup of tea.
I have won several over the first couple of years and just did not want to do that sitting all day any more. So now if I go at all its to cruise down visit with some friends and go to lunch , then home for a nap.....
Ditto for me! Besides they get expensive after awhile. I would rather be using the money to go Crusing!
Ditto for me! Besides they get expensive after awhile. I would rather be using the money to go Crusing!

Yes, they can get expensive. Back when I lived in Ohio I had a late model custom truck. I showed it for a few years from Canada to as far south as South Florida and as far west Missouri and everywhere in between. I won a lot of awards, even money. One trophy was so tall that I had to take part of it apart to fit it in the six foot bed of the truck. It was also in several magazines.
When I look back on it, yes, it was a lot of money but my wife and I had some great times together. But some people take great vacations and cruises that cost a lot of money. We didn't but still have many great memories of the time we spent together. Now I do only show a year that is put on by a local club. Their members are really great and it is a judged show. We alternate by showing our '25 T one year and our '37 Chevy the next year. Other than that we just go to "Cruise Nights" and relax.


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