Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

CATs - Cascade Area Ts


Message from Ceec
President CATs (Cascade Area Ts)
OR, WA, BC, Alaska, Idaho

On Saturday February 14 the Cascade Area T's (CATS) will have their 7th annual meeting at Cattin's Restaurant in Puyallup at 1:00PM. The meeting is held in conjunction with the Early Birds Swap Meet at the Western Washington State Fairgrounds in Puyallup, Washington. This venue has been used (the swap meet) as it's hosted by the local Model T club. Cattin's Restaurant is just across a side street from the fairgrounds entrance...

Cattin's Restaurant
105 9th Ave SW
Puyallup, WA98371
(253) 848-3494‎

We are starting a membership drive in the NTBA and CATs to further interest in northwest area events. Anyone who owns, wants to own,is interested in owning, a Model T Hot Rod is invited and welcome. The NTBA is VERY healthy and we need to bring some of that to our Area. We welcome all members of the Bonneville chapter as well. :thumbsup:

See you ALL there, Ceec
I got clearance from the trip planner ( Wife ), we are coming, see ya there.
I'll be in Graham the 13th -16th visiting friends, I can't believe I pick a time when something is going on at the Puyallup fairgrounds. Not sure I'll be able to make the lunch but where will you be during the swap meet? You can PM me if you'd like.
Hope to talk with you there, :razz:

Most likely I will not be at the swap meet as I'm buried in my buddies 37 Chevy truck and getting it ready for the Mild to Wild Show in Tacoma! Really try and make the lunch at 1:00 looks like we are going to have a nice group of guys and it'd be nice to meet ya face to face... my cell number is 805 prefix, then 801 and of course 1942

Hey... I just looked on the map... you're only 9 miles away from where we are going to meet! Straight shot down Meridian / WA-161... I live in Sammamish, WA which is about 50 miles NE from Graham...
Important notice!


Ceec has had to leave for Vancouver due to his fathers current health status and because the meeting was basically his call, it is being cancelled until further notice. Once a new time and date are set, I'll post again on this forum.

Sorry for late notice! :eek:

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