Message from Ceec
President CATs (Cascade Area Ts)
OR, WA, BC, Alaska, Idaho
On Saturday February 14 the Cascade Area T's (CATS) will have their 7th annual meeting at Cattin's Restaurant in Puyallup at 1:00PM. The meeting is held in conjunction with the Early Birds Swap Meet at the Western Washington State Fairgrounds in Puyallup, Washington. This venue has been used (the swap meet) as it's hosted by the local Model T club. Cattin's Restaurant is just across a side street from the fairgrounds entrance...
Cattin's Restaurant
105 9th Ave SW
Puyallup, WA98371
(253) 848-3494
We are starting a membership drive in the NTBA and CATs to further interest in northwest area events. Anyone who owns, wants to own,is interested in owning, a Model T Hot Rod is invited and welcome. The NTBA is VERY healthy and we need to bring some of that to our Area. We welcome all members of the Bonneville chapter as well.
See you ALL there, Ceec
President CATs (Cascade Area Ts)
OR, WA, BC, Alaska, Idaho
On Saturday February 14 the Cascade Area T's (CATS) will have their 7th annual meeting at Cattin's Restaurant in Puyallup at 1:00PM. The meeting is held in conjunction with the Early Birds Swap Meet at the Western Washington State Fairgrounds in Puyallup, Washington. This venue has been used (the swap meet) as it's hosted by the local Model T club. Cattin's Restaurant is just across a side street from the fairgrounds entrance...
Cattin's Restaurant
105 9th Ave SW
Puyallup, WA98371
(253) 848-3494
We are starting a membership drive in the NTBA and CATs to further interest in northwest area events. Anyone who owns, wants to own,is interested in owning, a Model T Hot Rod is invited and welcome. The NTBA is VERY healthy and we need to bring some of that to our Area. We welcome all members of the Bonneville chapter as well.
See you ALL there, Ceec