Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Check this dude out

Rick said:

It appears like three things happened.
1. He probably is every bit 6' tall or more.
2. It looks like he mounted his seat too high in the body.
3. He chose the Anniversary body or what looks like one.

That is the one thing I dreaded when I fell in love with T Buckets. Would I be too dang tall. I have sat in two and I'll fit, but I will have to plan my interior VERY carefully.
Yep your right on the body style but i don't know about the seat thing unless he's to cheap to have TP put the wood in.And he's EVERY bit of 6 foot.Raining and miserable here.55 degrees brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Rick said:
Yep your right on the body style but i don't know about the seat thing unless he's to cheap to have TP put the wood in.And he's EVERY bit of 6 foot.Raining and miserable here.55 degrees brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

:lol:Now, Rick, I wasn't going to mention the weather here because it's not nice to tease or brag. HOWEVER, since YOU did bring it up...... the forecast here in Houston is as follows:

For the next 7, yea, 7 DAYS.... lows in the high 40s and mid 50s with daytime highs reaching the mid to high 70s. No rain in sight.

Today I went and attached a vacuum line for my tranny (anything to be near the hot rod.... anything) and rolled her out for the guy who works across the street to look at. He mentioned that the weather we've been having is perfect rag top weather and it was like I could see myself scooting around in her. Man..... I'm dying here.:rofl:
Hey Bro there is a word for you ya know but this is a family forum:rofl:
Rick said:
Hey Bro there is a word for you ya know but this is a family forum:rofl:

:)Awwww man! Don't hate the man. Hate the weather!
No hate here bro just the climate in the Great State of Michigan is not condusive to year round driving of T-Buckets
I can relate to that. It's about 6:20 AM and it is 32 here. We have a forecast high of 56 for the day. I was trying to remember, but I think we had our first snow flurries somewhere around 11 November last year. Which is only a couple weeks away. <sigh>
Well let me tell you gentlemen out there something about midwest weather. When I had my Harley, I drove it about 10 months out of the year. It's called leathers. I good coat, gloves and chaps, you can still enjoy the ride.:rofl:

Hey Thomas i wanna see you get in the car with all that crap on then sit down AND be comfortable.Thats if you can still steer it
Rick, I'm unsure about how things are going to be up that way for you and Thomas, but they're saying we will likely see some snow flurries tomorrow. :rofl:

I thought someone said parts of Michigan were looking to get some accumulation. 5" or more what what I thought I heard.
Snow!? Already? Geez, I have not seen snow in a while. We got a couple inches Christmas day about 3 - 4 years ago and they shut the city down!:rofl: Dang cowboys didn't know what was going on.

I grew up in the snow and I do miss it.... sometimes. There's nothing cooler than a white Christmas.

I'm not going to give the weather report for Houston. It just wouldn't be right.:lol: You guys stay warm and cozy.
Fred, you're welcome to all the snow you like. I abhor the stuff. If i never see another snowflake, it will be far too soon.

The news this morning said Michigan is seeing some lake effect snow. With the typical winter wind patterns, I should think Rick and Thomas are safe.
Mike, I believe we are supposed to get some flurrie's after midnight and again tomorrow morning. Not looking forward to any of it.:sad:


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