Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Classified Question?

PM me with the post that you would like deleted and I'll take care of it for you.

Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Time to start doing things the right way, rather than requesting all of these deletion requests. Sheesh...


When you create a new thread in the Classifieds forum, the Thread Title will show a place to enter a thread prefix. Click on the down-arrow and you will see -


This will allow you to insert the proper prefix, so people will know whether you are buying, selling or wanting to trade. See how easy this can be?


Select the appropriate prefix and then enter whatever it is you are looking to buy, sell or trade. No need for you to type anything other than the item you are looking to buy, sell or trade.


Once you have finalized your purchase, sale or trade, just visit the thread and select Thread Tools, from the upper-right corner of the thread. Click on Edit Title.


Click on the prefix and select Complete as your new prefix, then -


Click the Save Changes button. Then the thread will show a Complete prefix, to show the purchase, sale or trade has been made. Which requires no action from anyone, other than yourself.

I make this stuff as simple as I can possibly make it and we still have people trying fight everything by swimming against the current. Do things the way they are intended to be done and everything will fall right into place. For instance, if you need a post to be edited for you, try using the Help Desk function, which will get your request in front of me, rather than posting random support requests in the Lounge.
Really? When was the last time you cleared your browser's cache history? Ever?


I logged into the forum on your account, as you can see from several clues - The flag in the upper-right corner shows I was using your account, your username appears in the NavBar, the notification is using your avatar and your username, I posted under your username and, amazingly enough, there is the thread tools menu item.

I verified this by analyzing your forum permissions from the Admin Control Panel. I also set up one of my test accounts with the same permissions as your account, and everything appears and works as anticipated. I've tested this every way I know how and it works, every time. It looks to me like the problem is client-side, which means on your end of the pipe.

People, I know you think I harp on this subject of clearing browser cache, but you will be amazed at how knotted up a browser can get. Clearing cache can cure a lot of evils and also allow the browser to run a bit faster. I typically clear my cache, at least once a day, sometimes more often. You need to be doing this at least once a week. At the very least. If you cannot be bothered to take the 10 seconds required to do it once a day, then set aside a specific time to do it once a week. Seriously, the procedure takes no time at all, and it can save you a lot of hassle.
Thanks, I did that and the tread tools comes up but there is no delete button shown on it! Just the wanted, For Sale, Trade, buttons!
:x3: You didn't take the time to actually read Post #6, did you?

No, you cannot see a 'delete' button. You've never been able to see a 'delete' button. You will never be able to see a 'delete' button.

You don't see a 'delete' button, for a very simple reason - there is not a deletion function available to you. Nor to anyone other than myself, actually. Even the moderators are incapable of hard-deleting anything. They can soft-delete, which simply removes a thread or a post from public view, but that is it. The only time I ever delete a thread or a post is if it is an accidental duplication. All other threads and posts are archived, should they ever be required by a court of law. Stop thinking, imagining, dreaming, envisioning, conceptualizing and fantasizing about ever seeing a 'delete' button whilst on this forum site, because it is never going to happen.

If you will please take the time to read Post #6 of this thread, you will see how the Classifieds forum is set up. It is designed around a very simple, two-step process -

1. When you create a thread in the Classifieds forum, select the appropriate prefix, to indicate that it is an item you are selling, looking to purchase or looking to trade.

2. When the transaction is completed, edit your thread prefix to indicate the same.

If this procedure is just too complicated, please advise and I will simply edit your permission set to disallow your ability to post to that particular forum.

     Ron Pope Motorsports                Advertise with Us!     