Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Classified Section


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Why do I get a " you cannot start a new topic " on the Classified Section?

Because some numpty didn't have all the permissions for the Supporting Members usergroup set properly on that particular forum?


Check again and see is things are working as advertised. And don't hesitate to flag me up when you have issues like this.

I don't offer this as an excuse (because there isn't one), merely as an explanation. Not everyone can see all of them, but there are 40 forums on this site. And there are 12 usergroups (along with 3 orphans we pulled in from the old vBulletin site). Each usergroup has 6 permission settings for each forum. 12 X 6 X 40 = 2880 permission settings. Click on the attachment -

IP.Board: > Forums > Forums - Nightly_002.png

I get a permissions matrix for each forum. If I want to grant all usergroups the ability to view a forum, I can tick that Show Forum selection under the Global Permissions heading and everyone can see the forum. If you look down the left side, you will see a + and - button under each usergroup. I can click the + button and give that usergroup permissions to see a forum, read the forum topics, reply to the forum topics, start new topics, upload files and download files. Or I can work my way across and select which individual permissions that usergroup can have.

When I re-opened the Classifieds forum I didn't really re-open anything. I just gave all the usergroups permission to see it again. It had been there, all along, you just didn't have permission to see it. But when I was resetting the permissions, I missed the checkbox for Supporting Members being able to start new topics.

It gets hectic at times, because in addition to those 72 permission settings for each forum, there are also 20 basic settings, such as whether or not to show the sharelinks in each forum or is a forum is going to be a category, a regular forum or a redirect forum. Then there are 18 settings to control how people can use each forum, whether posts in a forum will increment a user's post count, or if they can vote in polls. Fortunately, all of these settings are generally set-it-and-forget-it, because it can be a real fight wading through a bunch of settings on a new forum site.

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