Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Close to getting a Heartbeat


A wiring installation away from going vroom vroom :D
Good luck on the wiring you've gone this far you can do it.HMMMM color looks familiar.LOL
Ohhhhhhh...the anticipation!!! What size are your rear tires? I'm thinking of using MTs, but dont know what size yet. .....I was just about to ask you how you liked them, but I guess you havn't driven it yet have you :doh:

Looks Great! Good luck.
As we've said before, Start with a good diagram and take your time. You can do this. When your done, you're going to wonder why it scared you so much. If you should run in to problems, the answers are as close as your 'puter.

Looks sweet! Jump that hurdle, man! If this ole 'fraidy cat can do it, anyone can!:lol:
Duke, looking pretty darn good there. You'll have that wired before you no it. Hope you got your mail from me. Thanks Lar:)
I have these tires 31x18x15 and they run smooth compared to my old mickey thompsons.
The rear tires are 29X15.00R15LT Mickey Thompsons, I went MT's because they had front smaller tires to match the tread pattern. The wiring part to me isn't so bad, I spent 23 years working and installing process Control systems in processing plants. The hard part is standing on your head, growing a third hand to hold everything, while crammed into a T-Bucket. Then there is the mind over matter thing, trying to get the tool you can see, but can't move enough to reach it. Orther than that, it is a snap. :lol:
Oh No! Is that a license plate bracket on the front of that car :sick: I thought us cheeseheads were the only ones still required to deface our cars that way.
Thats one of the sizes I was considering, they look good on your car. I want a matching set too, but I might go with something a little wider in front. I'm pretty sure i'm in the minority here, but I like a little wider front tire.

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