Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Combination brake and clutch pedal


Here's an idea for a combination clutch/brake pedal.

Its purpose is to eliminate one pedal from the tiny, over-crowded foot area of a t-bucket equipped with a manual transmission.

Both the clutch and brake are on one pedal. Press the pedal down 1/2 way to disengage the clutch. Then push it down the rest of the way for the brakes. Attached are some very basic drawings of how it might work, using some very basic shapes, because that's the extent of my computer drawing skills.

Hope it makes sense.


  • Brake Clutch at rest.png
    Brake Clutch at rest.png
    16.4 KB · Views: 48
  • Brake no Clutch yes.png
    Brake no Clutch yes.png
    15.8 KB · Views: 46
  • Brake yes Clutch yes.png
    Brake yes Clutch yes.png
    15.3 KB · Views: 44
Sounds good but I think i would be afraid to use it. I have a friend that oses a hand brake to solve the space probmem.
I think that is like what was used on the old Divco milk trucks that were used for home deliveries. It was done so that the driver could drive standing up which made it easier for him rather than having to get out of a seat at each house to deliver milk. Only us old guys will remember this as milk home deliveries stopped many, many years ago.

Great concept . Thats thinking out of the box.
Well done. What a useful idea. Smokey Yunick incorporated a combo brake and clutch on his indy "Capsule car", for the very same reason, lack of footwell space. I don't know how Smokey engineered it though.
Ha, I was thinking about this the other day actually as well.

I was also thinking about making my own hurst style lightning rods for a automatic.
Good luck getting on the brakes in time in an emergency! You really need to rethink this idea through. Will work in theory, in practice is another thing entirely.
Well done. What a useful idea. Smokey Yunick incorporated a combo brake and clutch on his indy "Capsule car", for the very same reason, lack of footwell space. I don't know how Smokey engineered it though.

He had a setup like that, with a side spring loaded pedal, that way he could have the driver able to apply the brakes without the clutch. Press on the pedal on a slight angle, he'd bump the brakes, hit it straight, clutch and brake.
He'd made one that resembled the criss/cross shaft on a 'yankee screwdriver'....he was one helluva engineer.

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