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Contact T Bucket Seller


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Supporting Member
I have made a couple of attempts to contact the seller of a T Bucket that was advertised on this site.
It was a blue 23 no bed or turtle deck. I had a 302 Ford engine with a blower, c-6 and 9" rear.
The gas tank was exposed round alum, hung on the rear. I could not determine his location and got
no response from trying to email or pm him on from here. Can anyone help me with this search?

Can you find the thread, where this car was for sale? It was on the site prior to the upgrade. If so, is there any additional information on the seller that might help me locate him or the car?

Joe, if the listing was in the old Classifieds script, it is lost and gone forever.

Beyond that, it would just be a matter of picking a forum and tracing through each topic, until you find it.

Sorry I can't be any more help than that.

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