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Corvair box woes


Well-Known Member
A friend of a friend has a T Bucket. He got it used and all is well except for the steering. He has about 3" of play before the wheels begin to turn.:eek: So, I looked at it with him and he tryed to adjust it on the side where the slot screw is. Nada. Still has the play. Everything else, drag link, tie rod, steering arms, looks good. Is there another adjustment I don't know about?
Fred before you do the side adjustment you have to take up on the big nut on the top which is the bearing adjustment.Your gear segment could be riding up and down before it makes contact with the other race.IMO Ron knows more about them though.
Rick said:
Fred before you do the side adjustment you have to take up on the big nut on the top which is the bearing adjustment.Your gear segment could be riding up and down before it makes contact with the other race.IMO Ron knows more about them though.

So, do we loosen it and if so, how much?

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