Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

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I got a little bored today, so I grabbed some sheet aluminum I had in the garage. I attempted to make a hillbilly spring perch honest, if you think it looks bad, tell me. I can remove it and buy a chrome one when the time comes. (for a $100) Or, I could just paint it black.FullSizeRender-12.jpgFullSizeRender-11.jpgIMG_1738.JPG
Looks great!! You could and a "T" to it, put a stud on the back side of it with a spacer so it looks like it's floating there.
Thanks, actually it was too shiny, I sanded it in a circular motion with 2000 grit to make it look more like the silver on the font axle.

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