Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Cruise to the Woods car show Oct. 4 2015 Fort dodge ,Iowa


Located at Harlan Rogers Sports Complex , north of Fort Dodge, Iowa . Over 1400 classic autos in 2014 ,with 10 cruise routes from the far edges of Iowa. With door prizes ,cruise t-shirts & sweatshirts. Unique trophies for top 10 . Enter fee
2016 Cruise to the Woods car show on October 4 - 2016 at Sunkissed Meadows Fort Dodge ,Iowa . With 10 cruise routes from the far edges of Iowa to Fort Dodge,Iowa. With a pre entry fee $ 15.00 or $ 20.00 after 9/15/16 . With door prizes, cruise T-shirts & sweatshirts on sale, Tophies for Favorite 15, Food concessions on site. With over 1,200 + classic auto's. website : Or e-mail:wccruisers@ or WC Cruisers, PO Box 106 Webster city,iowa 50595
Don't know if I will drive my car to Fort dodge car show suppose to be A low of 51 degrees Saturday night , Hi sunday 71 degrees. . May have to put it on trailer, no problem I have a low, good H &H trailer , pulls real easy. Guess I will see what the weather is Sunday ..
If you're too old/cold to drive it in cold weather, why have it? I've driven mine in 19* cold with a wind chill of -19* and a foot of snow on the ground in the Mtns. of N.C. . Just dress appropriately.
Maybe my age , 77 years old. Or having worked outside on construction for 41 years in Iowa cold winters has something to do with it . I'am a fair weather ''T'' owner. And I will admit it. I really enjoy warm weather .
Come on now guys. Sunday mornings low is supposed to be 53*, partly cloudy with a high of 70* for the day.
2 years ago we had frost when we left for the show.

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