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North Texas Car shows\cruises for the rest of March.


Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Mar 21 / Saturday / 11:00 am - 2:30 pm Richland Hills, Texas
Messiah Baptist Church 6th Annual Show & Shine at 7101 Baker Blvd., Richland Hills, Texas 76118.
Open to all types and years of vehicles. Food & drinks, live music, bounce house for kids.
Drawings for free door gifts for all registered vehicles.
Registration fee is $15.00 per vehicle registered.
Plaques give out to top 5, & best of show & Pastor's choice, best paint; interior;engine.
For details contact Michael O'Brien at 817-595-4584 or 817-879-7071.

Mar 21 / Saturday / 1 pm - 4 pm DeSoto, Texas
If raining, show will be moved to next Saturday.
Faith Bible Church **CAR AND BIKE SHOW** at 1437 W. Pleasant Run, Rd. DeSoto, Texas (west of Cockrell Hill Rd on Pleasant Run Rd.)
For the Crises Pregnancy Center. Registration 1:00 3:00 P.M., Judging 3:00 - 4:00 P.M. and Awards 4:00 P.M. Top 20 awards.
Door prizes. FoodHamburgers, hot dogs, cookies, soft drinks, candy and coffee, 50s and 60s music.
Over 100 parking spots available. Entry: $20 registration. For more info call 214-543-7381

Mar 21 / Saturday / 5 pm - 9 pm North Richland Hills, Texas
Mar 21 (5-9pm), Apr 18 (5-9pm), May 16 (5-9pm), Jun 20 (5-9pm), Jul 18 "Beach Party (7 11pm), Aug 15 Hot Texas Night (7-11pm), Sept 19 (5-9pm) and Oct 17 "Christmas in December" (5-9pm)
Christian Classic Cruisers presents its 3rd Saturday of the month car show at Birdville ISD Athletic/Find Arts Complex at
Mid-Cites Blvd and Precinct Line Road in North Richland Hills, Texas. Entry: $10. Proceeds benefit deserving children at
Christmastime. NSRA Safety Inspections available.
Info: call J.W. Irving at 81-625-3820 or Jerry Hogan at 817-379-5484 or visit the website at Christian Classic Cruisers.

Mar 21 / Saturday / 4 pm - 8 pm Cedar Hill, Texas
Midlothian Classic Wheels presents a Cruise-in at Uptown Village in Cedar Hill .
Fun games fresh air door prizes. New for 09 : A sign in sheet will be at each cruise-in this year .
This will be put onto a spread sheet so as to keep up with how many times each person is there .
Everyone attending at least 5 times will then be entered into a drawing to be held at the
November Toys for Tots event for a $250.00 gift card good for any place in the mall .
Also in 09 , a club will be invited to come out and be the Club of the Month
One member of this club will receive a $50.00 gift card drawn from the names of the members attending .
This clubs members will also be eligible for the door prizes handed out that night .

Mar 22 / Sunday / 1 pm - 5 pm Garland, Texas
Kick Off Classic Car Show is Back!!!! @ Awards To Go at 3160 Saturn Rd. #240 Garland, Tx 75041.
Registration 1-2:30.Entry: $10.00. First 50 entries will receive a free t-shirt. Special
Awards and Awards for best Paint, Best engine, Best Interior. Low Riders and
Motorcycles are welcome! 60 awards! 4 Best of Shows: 79 & Older Car and Truck
and 80s & Newer Car and Truck. 1st & 2nd place in each class.
Info: call Jim 972-567-0204 .

Mar 25 / Wednesday / 4:30 - 6:30 pm Cedar Hill, Texas
Midlothian Classic Wheels presents Founders Day Car Show at Northwood University in Cedar Hill .
This is more of a cruise-in as there will only be 1 award .
This Best of Show is picked by the students. There WILL be FREE burgers , dogs desert and sodas for
ALL with no entry fee. Last year's event was a blast and the food is very good !
Parking begins at 4:30 with the award picked at 6:30
The school is located on 1382 in the hills before you get to Joe Pool Lake

Mar 28 / Saturday / 9 am - 2 pm Garland, Texas
1st Annual Benefit Car Show hosted by Lakeview High School welding and autoboby students.
Show location is 3505 Hayman, Garland, Texas.
This is a fundraiser 100% of the proceeds go to welding certification.
Judging 12-1:30 trophies will be awarded at 2pm. Entry: $10. .
Contact people are Jim Barnett, or Greg McSwain at 972-240-3740 .

Mar 28 / Saturday / 10 am - 2 pm Fort Worth, Texas
North Texas N.S.R.A. Spring Safety Inspections and NSRA Appreciation Day at Painless Performance Products,2501 Ludelle Street,
Fort Worth. Inspections from 10 am - 2 pm. Open to all street rods and vehicles 30 years or older.
Refreshments prepared and served by Arlington Area Street Rods.
Info: Dwight at 214-850-5907 or email

Mar 28 / Saturday / 10 am - 3 pm Athens, Texas
Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. Open to all street rods, muscle cars, classics, trucks, sport cars.
Entry: $15 pre-registration or $20 day of event. First 100 receive dash plaques and goody bags.
Info: Events or call Bill Bassett, Chairman, Cruise into Spring, 903-670-3478, 972-839-1417 (cell).

Mar 28 / Saturday / 1 pm - 5 pm Fort Worth, Texas
Sonic car show located at 8625 Camp Bowie West will kick off the season with the 1st car show being a day time show.
25+ awards including Best of show, Best of show Truck, Sonic's Choice,
Hagerty Insurance Choice, under Construction, special interest, cycle, late model and Import
Hosted By D&D Rockin Rods 817-797-1197

Mar 28 / Saturday / 5 pm - 9 pm Arlington, Texas
2009 Dates: 3/28, 4/25, 5/30, 6/27, 7/25, 8/29, 9/26 and 10/31
Special Interest Fords club has a monthly car show on the last Saturday of each month.
The show is for all makes and models and located at Fabulous 50s Diner, 2424 W. Park Row Dr. Arlington, TX .
Time is 5pm to 9 pm. Entry fee is $10. There are door prizes, 50/50 raffle, oldies music, dash plaques and
trophies for a number of classes.
For additional information, send emails to

Mar 28 / Saturday / 5 pm - 9 pm Grand Prairie, Texas
Lincoln Tech. Car , Truck , and Motorcycle Show at 2915 Aloutte dr. Grand Prairie Tx 75052.
THIS IS A JUDGED SHOW! Registration 5-6:30. First 100 entries recieve FREE T-shirt and BBQ Dinner.
First 40 pre-registered have their choice of indoor or outdoor. Awards for Best Paint , Engine , and Interior !!!!!!!
26+ classes 1st and 2nd in each class , Special Sponsor Awards , 7 Best Of Show award.
For mor information call Jim 972-567-0204.

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