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Cutting alum. Diamond plate

Mike J

What is everyone using to cut 10 gauge .100 Aluminium diamond plate? Nibblers, shears, cut off wheels, circular saws?
Usually, I use shears to cut thin stuff. If shears won't do it, I use band saw or jig saw.

If your vertical band saw is deep enough that would be the best chose. Those uprise diamonds can be tough for portable hand shears or nibblers. The new style 4 1/2" circular saws are great for straight line cuts and very cost reasonable' You can get away with running wood cutting blades but metal cutting blades are the first chose. I have used 7 1/2" carpenter saws but the smaller 4 1/2" are easier to manage. Power jig saws will give you the ability to cut on a radius and freehand scroll. Look for something with a good rigid guide plate that will not deflect when hitting the raised diamonds. Last option I will mention is the plasma cutter and that is self explanatory. Hope this will give you something to think about. Good luck with your project.
Usually, I use shears to cut thin stuff. If shears won't do it, I use band saw or jig saw.
Sorry, I didn’t mention , it’s still a 4x10 sheet, it will cut with tin snips after I cut it into smaller sections.
If your vertical band saw is deep enough that would be the best chose. Those uprise diamonds can be tough for portable hand shears or nibblers. The new style 4 1/2" circular saws are great for straight line cuts and very cost reasonable' You can get away with running wood cutting blades but metal cutting blades are the first chose. I have used 7 1/2" carpenter saws but the smaller 4 1/2" are easier to manage. Power jig saws will give you the ability to cut on a radius and freehand scroll. Look for something with a good rigid guide plate that will not deflect when hitting the raised diamonds. Last option I will mention is the plasma cutter and that is self explanatory. Hope this will give you something to think about. Good luck with your project.
I’ve got everything you’ve described except a Nibbler and power shears. That’s the problem with the raised portions of the plate. I have found some Nibblers that will take on 10 gauge, but are expensive. $200- $2300, not kidding !, look up Fein nibblers. Thanks
all the above , but if you havnt got a plasma then I would use a jig saw with a bi-metal blade .....and protect your eyes with full cover safety glass's........cheers
Well if you buy from a metal fab shop and you don't have to have circles or radius's cut, most will sheer it in house for free unless you have a bunch of pieces and then it usually is a small fee.
plasma cutter
I have one, but didn’t think it would work on aluminum. That’s the ticket, just have to figure out amperage to smooth out the edges. Thanks!
I have one, but didn’t think it would work on aluminum. That’s the ticket, just have to figure out amperage to smooth out the edges. Thanks!

I set mine on 30 amps for 10g alum plate. Cut like butter. I put some pics under Hot Rod Bucket of some alum I worked on today.

Did you go to Colorado and build the frame? I sold you the bomber seats didn’t I?

Yes, you did. They didn't really work after I got a little farther along so I sold them to another bucket builder. Someone will use those bad boys sooner or later. I did build the frame in Colo. The whole mess in over in Hot Rod Bucket. I am to the point where it rolls and starts. No body, no brakes, no problem. Working on it. How is yours coming along now?
I set mine on 30 amps for 10g alum plate. Cut like butter. I put some pics under Hot Rod Bucket of some alum I worked on today.

Yes, you did. They didn't really work after I got a little farther along so I sold them to another bucket builder. Someone will use those bad boys sooner or later. I did build the frame in Colo. The whole mess in over in Hot Rod Bucket. I am to the point where it rolls and starts. No body, no brakes, no problem. Working on it. How is yours coming along now?
Very slow and not nearly the quality of yours! You mentioned your as a “Go Kart on steroids“ well mine is a “Pedal Kart” lol
Any woodworking tools will cut aluminum. I use a band saw with a skip-tooth blade for some things, table saw for others, a router and fence works real well, also chop saw. Just spray some WD40 on the blade first. Many times I contact cement the aluminum to a piece of scrap plywood and then cut on the table saw as normal. Afterward squirt a little lacquer thinner between the aluminum and ply to separate them.
If you use a power saw please make sure the blade has at least 10 teeth per inch and don’t get to comfortable.
It will cut like butter but can go very wrong quickly.
Any tools you use on aluminium, saw blades, planer, jigsaw etc if you use stearine wax on the teeth it will go along way towards stopping the bawling.

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