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Demon Rust on Jag Rear End - Chemicals, Mechanical or Blasting


Active Member
The Jag RE that I purchased came out of Boston. Needless to say it is rusty.

I have finally disassembled it down to the components. I do not know if I want to paint it or plate it, at this time.

My question for this group is ---- Since I have time on my hands, How do you recommend that I take the rust off?

- Chemically (D-Rust-It?????)
- Media Blast (What media?)
- Mechanical (Belt Sander/Grinder/Scotch Brite Pads/???????)

I appreciate your help!

Yes , Yes and then yes. I would start with a chem, then media then the scotch brite will make a surface that paint or power coat will look beautimus maximus on.
If you are thinking of powder coating it they will have to blast it clean any way to get all serfaces to there liking for garonteeing ther work. Juet a thought Joe
Of course if you just want to totally polish it out as mine is, bring a big lunch and prepare for the battle, ha!

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