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Destination Daytona owner killed!


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I found this on the HAMB just a little while ago.

"I am sad to report that Bruce Rossmeyer, owner of Daytona Beach Harley-Davidson, Destination Daytona and other Harley Dealerships, died just a few hours ago in a motorcycle accident in Wyoming on his way from the H-D Dealers meeting in Colorado to Sturgis. Rossmeyer was riding with several motorcyclists when they pulled out to pass a recreational vehicle. Rossmeyer was the last in line and was killed when the RV apparently drifted into his lane, hitting his motorcycle.

Bruce was also a Hot Rodder and had teamed with Micky Lauria of Total Performance for a Hot Rod shop
That's sad to hear. Prayers be with Bruce's family and friends. Never trust other drivers, esp. Minivan, Semi, any regular truck pulling something, and RV drivers. For many different reasons, they seem to have the hardest time seeing around their vehicles.
A couple of corrections.

He pulled out to pass the RV, which was slowing down to make a left turn, with its turn signals on. The rider hit the pickup pulling the travel trailer in the driver's door. He wasn't wearing a helmet.
Why is it riders feel like they arent cool if they wear a helmet . But when they get in their car the first thing they do is fasten their seat belt. My brother rides his fatboy with a get the hell out of my way attatude no helmet. When you try to talk to him or his friends you get that live free or die hard bull sh4t. I had an ole springer i rode when i lived in Wichita i allways wore a helmet i had 3 kids depending on me. I just dont get it i guess.
Was a heck of a nice guy, did tons of charity work and causes for the biking community. Helmet probably wouldn't have saved him, came to rest under the trailer the car was pulling. Very strange as another well known rider, Click Baldwin that owned Carolina H-D in Gastonia, NC died almost the same way last year on his way from the dealers meeting that Bruce was coming from also, and both were going to the same location near Sturgis, S.D. for the rally. R.I.P. and Godspeed Bruce. :pray:
Sturgis is such a large event, there are always several deaths... on they way to... during... and on the way home... Last time I rode there (4 years ago) coming back from Keystone to Sturgis, two bikes riding close to the center-line (one in each direction) clipped handlebars... this caused each bike to turn into the oncoming bikes... several riders killed and even more injuries... I think I counted like 22+ bikes scattered about... was not a good day...
My Thought after years of riding,,, It's a shame to see people riding around the parks going 10 to 20 MPH thinking I am going so slow I don't need a helmet. That is the only speed a helmet will save you!!! At highway speeds aint nothin sav'in you but you and god. Helmet laws suck! People need to realize RV's go slow and stop slower. When your out for a ride what the hell's your hurry? Relax, Enjoy, slow down and live. :cool:
Ted Brown said:
I will have to totally agree with you on that, a nice slow comfortable ride in whatever you drive or ride... life is waaaay too short.. Ride safe:)

Funny you say that as I continue to work on my 23T... (stock version)... my estimated top speed will be 37 - maybe 40... I'm thinking of getting a sticker made for the back of the car... "This car has two speeds... you won't like either"
LumenAL I love it! I need to get that on the back of my RV. Right now it says
"5 dollars a gallon and I still don't give a shit!" :cool:

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