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Rip VW

Active Member
I haven't done a damn thing on my T in the last 3 months because I have had a Motorcycle distraction for that time.. My daughter is the keeper of a motorcycle that My Grandson and I restored about 10-12 years ago. His bike was a 1978 Honda Z50A we took it all apart and restored it back to new condition and he rode it for a couple a years and now occasionally starts it up and rides it a few minutes, Then puts it back in storage. Well he went to start the bike and it wouldn't run hardly so he asks me to look at it. Of course Grandpa said yes and the next thing My daughter asked me if I could fix 2 more at the same time. It seems that my "Someday to be Son In Law" has 2 Z50s in basket case style and wants me to get them running too. Like a sucker I am when my daughter says please I usually cave in. so I said bring all 3 bikes by and I will see.

So over the last couple of months I have been overhauling motorcycles till I am dizzy. don't take much these days. I finally started and initially tested the last Motorcycle. There are some minor things like lube up the cables and change handlegrips but they all all done. I have spent two months worth of labor but I can happily say "The fleet is operational". I am including a couple of photos of Number 3 .

The bike pictured is basket case Number one on completion the other basket case was a clone of this one and was running today.



I bet I put thousands of miles on one in the early ‘70’s. Just about indestructible. Your story about working on them just to start and ride for a few minutes occasionally is why I got rid of all of the quads and go carts... the kids would want to ride them but I spent more time getting everything ready, buying batteries, etc than they rode them. They rode them a lot in the beginning but letting them sit is a no no. Of course with grand kids coming there is likely to be a brief resurgence.
There used to be a motorcycle builder called Boy Toys that made V8 bikes. His personal bike had a 454 engine and a 671 blower. He made others that were just mainly 350s. I was surprised at how well they handled.
Boss, Boss hog motorcycles have small blocks, big blocks, even v12. I have a long disconnected friend who lives in fla and owns two, a sbc and a bbc powered Boss. He must be doing ok selling water filtration... eh.

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