Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Edelbrock E- Street Heads

They will be tool steel. I contacted one of the shop employees yesterday afternoon and was informed that part number is yet to be converted.

Did you buy them direct, or from a distributor? if that isn't sticking my nose out too far, that is.
I bought them from Summit Racing for $129.00 They arrived today. I am in the process of screening in the back deck for the wife. This has been about a 5 year project. Got the roof and post up and never boxed it in for the screens. Now that I am retired, I have no excuse for not finishing. The spring installation is next on the list. We are expecting bad weather tomorrow. Maybe I can go up to the shop and swap them out. Thanks for the help.
Ran up to the shop, in the rain, to put one of the springs on. I wanted to make sure the spring seat was large enough, I've been taking a beating from some guy on the Corral web site. He is in business and offers some LS-1 or X springs, retainers and seals for $250. I posted that another option was the K-750s, which lit his fuse again. Anyway great fit, drop in swap out. Thanks for the help.

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