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engine vibration


Active Member
I had an oil leak from the timing chain cover. The old balancer was pitted and it ate the seal. I put a sleeve on the balancer and everything seemed ok. That was last year. I checked the engine for leaks this year and the seal was leaking again. So I replaced the cover with new seal and gaskets. also put on a new balancer. Today I was going to go for my first ride when I notice the engine vibrating. Is it possible the balancer is no good and how would I check it before I contact the place where I bought it? Would the balancer cause this problem if it was not fully seated? Before I tear it down again I would like to have an idea of what to look for.
Are you sure you bought the right balancer ? Some engines are internally balanced
and some are external. Externally balanced engine have a balancer and flex plate that
are out of balance by themselves, but when installed the whole rotating assemble is
balanced then.

What engine do you have ? What does the old balancer look like ? A pic of the back
side would be helpful.

What’s the difference between internal and external engine balance?

Balancer for an Externally Balanced Engine.
Just glad I could help !

So which one is right for your engine ?
Sounds like you knew about external balancing, but forgot to engage your brain before the purchase ! LOL !

Yep, I've done that a time or two .... uh ... uh OK it's happened too many times to count !

Maybe the universe is telling you to build another engine, you have your first part for it ! :roflmao:

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