Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Fad hits the road


Well-Known Member
First time the Fad has seen tarmac, but its on the A frame.
With a one off set up like this T has I had no idea what to expect so a slow start around the block. Front end straight and true, rides the bumps like a T everything seems to work. rear springs are TOO heavy and will need replacing with lighter ones. Need to work on the front dampers as they are not 100 percent yet, but all in all better than I thought.
The only problem is the rear spoked wheels are running out of true. Not sure if this is because they have sat for 18 years as when they were done they were true. Now its a case of tyres off and back to the spoked wheel specialist. Could have done without this as the tyres are a pain to get off and on. They will be OK to use for the show. Its only a 40 mile trip.

Cant tell you it was a buzz as my mind was all over everything looking for problems. Enjoyed it ? kinda
first tow 2.JPGfirst tow.JPG
I can see a stylish Fad T accessory sweeping the U.K. and then the U.S.A. ... detachable tail lights !!! Every T should have em.

How fast did you get it up to? (In MPH please)
I can see a stylish Fad T accessory sweeping the U.K. and then the U.S.A. ... detachable tail lights !!! Every T should have em.

How fast did you get it up to? (In MPH please)

those rear lights are just SIC, aint they. I worked for many hours to produce this custom set up. bracket are black MS 1'' X1/8'' formed with a pair of grips and then mounted using self tapper. I did screw the light bar to the brackets using SS Button head though.
Got to about 55mph on the third pull. I dont work in those kilo things.
Gotta be a big change from PT cruiser to T bucket Cruiser.LOL
Gotta be a big change from PT cruiser to T bucket Cruiser.LOL

brings back memeories of my T 30 odd years ago. Never lost the habit of looking for potholes and missing them. Course on an A frame you have no control so hit them we did. Its great seeing the front wheels in action once again
First time the Fad has seen tarmac, but its on the A frame.
With a one off set up like this T has I had no idea what to expect so a slow start around the block. Front end straight and true, rides the bumps like a T everything seems to work. rear springs are TOO heavy and will need replacing with lighter ones. Need to work on the front dampers as they are not 100 percent yet, but all in all better than I thought.
The only problem is the rear spoked wheels are running out of true. Not sure if this is because they have sat for 18 years as when they were done they were true. Now its a case of tyres off and back to the spoked wheel specialist. Could have done without this as the tyres are a pain to get off and on. They will be OK to use for the show. Its only a 40 mile trip.

Cant tell you it was a buzz as my mind was all over everything looking for problems. Enjoyed it ? kinda
[attachment=4539:first tow 2.JPG][attachment=4540:first tow.JPG]
Too many prying eyes to do a test run without the towbar? Can't do that in the States with a towbar, afraid it will come unhooked!
At least if it did unhook, you then could steer and stop your Baby.. I think it is not allowed because some people want to steer with it hooked up, and that is a very big NO NO... If it had only a single tow tube, then you could steer and help stop, almost like a solid tow strap, would need a trailer ball at both ends... But on a freeway, that would be not taken so well by the Man... Have fun and good Luck... :scream:
Will the authorities allow a passenger in a vehicle being flat-towed like that? That's a major no-no here.

Its a MAJOR no-no here as well. I just to old to care. If they want to ticket me then let them. Dont care anymore. NOBODY is going to stop me enjoying my T. Even our new prime minister. If he only knew what he is missing!!!!!
Its a MAJOR no-no here as well. I just to old to care. If they want to ticket me then let them. Dont care anymore. NOBODY is going to stop me enjoying my T. Even our new prime minister. If he only knew what he is missing!!!!!

We're all rebels here aren't we? :) I was talking to a guy here at work that rides a mid '70 Honda or a vintage BSA to work (Downtown Indy) every day sans helmet, and he told me that hots rods seemed to him as being death traps... :scream:

To hell with the Man!!!!

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