Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Fan Wiring


I know this is a bit general, but I'm hoping that one of you electrical whiz's can help me before I short something out.. I'm trying to wire in the relay for my fan. I purchased the fan and wiring relay from the same place, but unfortunately their online installation instructions don't match what I have in hand..and their tech guy seems equally as confused...
So, I have a purple and a black wire coming from the fan. I'm assuming black is -, purple is +. In the relay kit, I have a circuit breaker and the relay, which has 4 wires. Two 10 ga Red wires, a black wire and a brown wire (I realize the colors may not be universal). I'm guessing that my fan power from my main fuse box goes to one terminal of the circuit breaker. One red from relay to other terminal of circuit breaker, other red wire to the purple + on fan, brown wire to thermostat and black grounded... Does this sound most likely? If need be, I can try to post a photo of the relay schematics when I get home from work..
Here is a circuit diagram. The circuit breaker [fuse] in the kit should go between the battery and the Bat + shown on the drawing. The relay should be tied to the
switched power in the fuse block.

Are you going to run a thermo switch ?? If so that goes between ign . hot & relay ...If you don't I can garuntee you'll forget to turn it on ,ya' know...looking at other cars , that cute skirt , other distractions ...
Yes. The fan will be switched through my Fast EFI unit. Hopefully I can get this thing wired in correctly so that I can have the engine running soon. I'm tired of wiring. Lol
I know exactly how you feel, mine took about 8 months total. Hang in there, it will
be done when it's time, like a fine wine!

Complete Rewire Project
The fan will be switched through my Fast EFI unit
Wire it per the FAST instructions. Check the relay for the correct terminals; they are usually marked numerically as shown in the FAST instructions. The two red wires are the relay contacts and go to the fan and +12, and it doesn't matter which is which. Put the breaker in either one. The brown and black wires are the relay coil; run the brown wire to +12 and the black wire to the FAST unit. And as shown by FAST, I'd recommend adding a manual switch so you can turn on the fan at any time.

And check to make sure the fan is blowing the correct way.:sneaky:
Thank you PotvinGuy. After going back through and reading everything, that is exactly what I planned to do, but having you clarify things makes me feel much better about the decision. Unfortunately, my ability to decipher wiring schematics is not so good. Thank you again.

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