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fiberglass work


Does anyone know of any videos on how to stretch a body,I know how but I would like to see someone else do it first,I baught a rolling chassis and body for 900
Do you have a frame yet ? If not Youngster has some plans on this site i think.
rooster57 said:

Try this its another forum This guy did a streach. Lots of work though.


Wow, my article is making it's way around! Thanks for posting that for me.

It is indeed alot of work, but not so much that I would discourage someone from doing it. The nice part is, you don't have to do it all in one day. Keys to this kind of job, grind grind grind. You have to have clean base glass to be successful. My car is still rough, but has come a long way since those days. Notice the keyed cuts. This is important if you want a straight body that is also strong.

That body was stashed behind a friend's garage. The garbage men wouldn't pick it up, but I did. Try a boat repair shop for you glassing materials. Stay away from discount chain materials (Walmart, Lowes, Auto smarts etc.)

If you have any questions, ask away. I'll try to help.

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