Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Finally posting an intro



I joined in 2009, but never got around to posting. Used to be active on the HAMB, but took a long break from cars in general due to job change, kids, home remodel, etc...

I built my t-bucket in 2004. The deal was I bought the engagement ring, the (future)wife bought me a MAS t-bucket body. She came out ahead on that one. She then told me the car needed to be done for the wedding which was 8 months away. Well, I blundered ahead and built this in time for the wedding:


It was fun, it was crude, and it had some serious issues. I didn't even know what I didn't know when it came to building a t-bucket. But at least I got it licensed. A couple years later, I blew it apart and turned it into this:


It was fun, not quite so crude, and had some minor issues. I built the frame too short (90" wheelbase), trying to go for a early 50's look. By the time I finished working out the problems, it looked nothing like an early 50's car. Plus, I needed the flathead for my 46 Ford COE. And now, a SBC wouldn't quite fit where the flathead was. And I decided I wanted to channel the body. So, I took it apart, and stuck it in the shed. Which is where it sat for 5 years. 3 kids, a new job working nights, a wife going back to school, all contributed to the project stalling out.

Last week, I pulled the pieces out and surveyed what I had. I built a new frame, loosely based on Youngster's plans. I just want to put together a simple cruiser. Nothing fancy, no super cool ideas that turn out to be super problems when they're welded together.

I have some questions to ask, but I thought I'd introduce myself first. Thanks for reading my sad saga of my stupid t-bucket.
Welcome from sunny Florida! good luck on your project. Hope it turns out the way you want it, this time around!
Welcome from Northern Illinois, keep the pictures coming when you begin your project.

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