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Fire wall engine side,stainless turned

That ain't a bad price for a piece that size. I don't think you'll find much better.

Yep, I've done small switch panels and things like that, and even those took forever to do. I can't imagine hand engine turning a whole firewall. :eek: Engine turning sure looks good though.

well to have one shipped from texas to me in NY, the calculated shipping is $166.91, so the value goes right out the window really ....

and the stainless is probably something in the .050 range says:

18 GA. (.048+/-) thick T304 Stainless Steel Sheet - Brush / Polish Finish
4 X 8 Ft.

thats $150 / firewall :lol:

call some of the metal supply warehouses in your area, most will cut you a piece to your liking
LumenAl said:
Another idea since they are a restaurant supply place is to call some of them locally as well... just food for thought...

Also try local cabinet and countertop wholesale suppliers. They sell thin sheets also. I think Chemtech is the manufacture.
This is not exactly for a firewall but... I received my new Speedway Motors catalog today and thumbed through it before heading into work. They have a 6" wide aluminum panel(four of five different lenghts) that is engine turned for a dash. Of course the prices go up and the length gets longer.
That is exactly what I used on my dash during my last rebuild. I really like the look of the engine turned dash panel because it brings back a look that was in vogue when these cars were originally built.
engine turning stuff isnt difficult but it requires a great deal of patience and time to make it look right.
Ive got a jig setup for my drill press.
What it amounts to is a board that bolts to my drill press table that is all marked out in I believe 1/4 inch lines all running left to right. Then I have a metal yardstick that I clamp to those lines.
In the chuck is a 3/8ths bolt with a piece of leather glued to the head.
On the leather I lightly apply valve lapping compound.
Start up in the upper right corner of the material and work to the left moving the piece 1/4 inch at a time on the yardstick.
Do 1 line then move the yardstick back one line on the board and start on a 1/4 inch stagger from the first line.
Its a bit time consuming to figure out but Im only limited by the depth of the throat on my drillpress. If I can do it ANYONE can do it..
The nicer material you start with the nicer your end results will be. patience patience patience... Paul

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