Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               

Firewall plywood

I used 3/4" in mine simply because I had it left over from the sheet i bought for the floor. At least I can screw to it
with out going thru the fiberglass.
I have a body without a "hood lip" and was thinking of adding the plywood to the out side to make the lip. Can someone with a lip give some dimensions on this lip? (distance down from the main body and width of it.)
I used 1/2" MDF. Then cut channels in it for dash wires, and used Velcro to attach an aluminum panel to cover it all. Gas pedal attaches to the panel.
Great idea PG, but how do you keep the wires in the channels. Every wire I've ever
know has a mind of it's own and is going where ever it likes. :rolleyes:

Got pics before you put the panel over the wires?
I have 3/4 in mine. Plenty of depth for screws to mount things like fuse panel boxes, flasher brackets and such. I also ran the accelerator pedal mounting bolts through it.
I used 1/2" MDF. Then cut channels in it for dash wires, and used Velcro to attach an aluminum panel to cover it all. Gas pedal attaches to the panel. your gas pedal is attached to an aluminum sheet that is velcroed in place? So your gas pedal is essentially velcroed in place? Am I missing something? your gas pedal is attached to an aluminum sheet that is velcroed in place? So your gas pedal is essentially velcroed in place? Am I missing something?

You can see the pedal attached to the alum panel. The throttle cable goes over a pulley and then down to exit between the firewall and motor. Those patches of Velcro have super grip; I have to really yank on the panel to get it free. I had started with a whole firewall-size piece of MDF, but decided it was easier to just glue two big hunks to the firewall. Tape or tiewrap the wires and hoses and route them in the spaces between the MDF and the tranny.
Detail of the pedal and pulley:
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Don't know what pics aren't coming up. Something new re site? Doesn't like Google+ ?

Ah, jeez, looks like Google has been messing with their site again. Why don't they tell me when they do that? I think I'll take my pics and go somewhere else...
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Don't know what pics aren't coming up. Something new re site? Doesn't like Google+ ?

Ah, jeez, looks like Google has been messing with their site again. Why don't they tell me when they do that? I think I'll take my pics and go somewhere else...

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