Garage Merch                Ron Pope Motorsports                California Custom Roadsters               



Ok, if I have a 1/4" FPF, what size MPF should screw in? I have a 1/4" MPF and it doesn't want to screw! Not even a wink!
Are we talking pipe thread here? I don't know what mpf/fpf is. Pipe thread fittings (NPT)...1/4 male should screw into 1/4 female.
Yeah that MPT and FPT threw me too. Male Pipe Thread and Female Pipe Thread. That's how they had them marked at hardware store. Here is what I have.

The first few threads look a little suspect from that picture. Do you have a pipe tap? If it is a new part, I think I would see the seller for a replacement.
The bung may have been welded on upside down.
I think you're right when I read your answer I had to go back and look and you caught it .
This thread should come all the way to the top and they don't ------ very good catch

If you use the brass fitting against the alum, you need to put a good sealant on them to prevent galvanic corrosion.
Well, talked to the guy and he said sometimes the fitting gets warped when welding. Used a NPT tap and it works just fine. Glad that was an easy fix!

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