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dave kreis

New Member
I have a fiberglass body and need to know what thickness of plywood to use on the floor and under the dash to give support for the stering colume
I think the floor used in the Streetrodder article I have was 3/4" plywood. I had a 1/2" piece laying around when I did mine so I cut two pieces and glued and screwed them together and made a 1" floor. For the steering drop mount in the article they took a piece of steel, made a couple of opposing bends and fastened it to the firewall and to the dash with holes drilled to mount the drop. Send me your email address and I'll forward the article to you.
40 years ago when I began building my bucket I used 3/4" plywood for the floor. Since then I've gone through a couple of engines, transmissions and a ton of miscellaneous parts but that old floor still manages to support me.

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