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Forum issues and apologies


New Member
I would like to take this time to publicly apologize to the webmaster of this site. In the last day I've had difficulty locating the page numbers on the classified section of this site. The W.M. is telling me that I'm a fool in that the page numbers are above and to the right of the first posted classified ad. I told him/her no, all I have listed there is " Forum tools" and Search this forum." If I knew how to email him/her my screen, then I would.

My response email to the WM was for the first half of the letter quite rough and I'm certain many of you whom know me might find it hard to believe that I did not let my "language" fly. :-) However, towards the bottom of the letter I requested that we "both" apologize for all the words typed and that he assist me in setting my screen straight.

When the site first came online a couple years ago, I found it to be quite refreshing from the NTBA site, because there was no bickering going on over here.....and it's still that way, but my issue is this in that many of us that frequent these sites are not computer gurus and those that are should understand that we too are trying to learn, and if we say "no, that is not how my screen reads or no, I don't have that in my tools page, etc" then please take it verbatim. Why would we be saying otherwise? This is NOT to fault the WM here, but this goes for every other site you or I have visited. We do NOT need someone coming back to us spewing all their credentials...I could care less what they have on the wall....common courtesy is all that I will ever expect. YOU should treat ALL your customers exactly as YOU would WANT to be treated.

So I am here now to publically apologize to the webmaster and I certainly hope that he will honor me by doing the same. Mr. Web, I do apologize to you. Let's start over regarding the emails etc.


Jerry Chenot

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